Widgets > wijexpander |
The wijexpander widget allows you to show or hide embedded or external content within an expanding panel using various animation effects. The expanding content can be shown or hidden by clicking on the expander header at run time. The wijexpander widget is created by the jquery.wijmo.wijexpander.js library.
You can make content and a header using a combination of <h1> and <div> tags, such as in the following example:
<div id="expander">
You can initialize either of these DOM element structures with the following script.
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
If you were to run the project, the expander would be in its default collapsed position:
In its expanded position, it would look like this:
See Also:
For more information about wijexpander, click one of the external links to view our Wijmo wiki documentation: