Spread for ASP.NET 7.0 Product Documentation
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Spread for ASP.NET 7.0 Product Documentation > Client-Side Scripting Reference > Scripting Members > Methods > GetChildSpreads

Glossary Item Box

Gets an array of the child Spread objects of the displayed page on the client.



var list = FpSpread1.GetChildSpreads();



Return Type

Array of Spread objects (HTML elements)


This method gets an array of the Spread objects of the page displayed on the client.


This is a sample that contains the method. On the client side, the script that contains the method would look like this:

JavaScript Copy Code
<SCRIPT language=javascript>
   function displayChildSpreads() {
      var list = FpSpread1.GetChildSpreads();
      if (list!=null) {
         alert("There are "+list.length+" child Spreads created.");

See Also

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