Spread for ASP.NET 7.0 Product Documentation
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Spread for ASP.NET 7.0 Product Documentation > Client-Side Scripting Reference > Scripting Members > Classes > TouchStripItem

Glossary Item Box

The TouchStripItem class consists of the following members. This class inherits from the MenuItem class.

Constructor Description
public TouchStripItem() : MenuItem(); Initializes a new instance of the MenuItem class
public TouchStripItem(text) : MenuItem(text); Initializes a new touch strip item with the displayed text value
public TouchStripItem(text, imageUrl) : MenuItem(text, imageUrl); Initializes a new touch strip item with the displayed text value and icon image Url


Property Description
public int Width {get; set;} Gets or sets the touch strip item width


This is a sample that creates a touch strip. On the client side, the script would look like this:

JavaScript Copy Code

<script type="text/javascript">

window.onload = function () {
    var spread = document.getElementById("FpSpread1");
        spread.addEventListener("TouchStripOpening", function (e) {
            var touchStrip = new FarPoint.Web.Spread.TouchStrip();
            touchStrip.Items.push(new FarPoint.Web.Spread.TouchStripItem("Test"));
            touchStrip.Show(e.X, e.Y, e.Spread, e.Area);
            e.Handled = true;
            touchStrip.AddEventListener("Clicked", function (e) { //global touch strip event
            touchStrip.Items[0].AddEventListener("Clicked", function (e) { //touch strip item event
                alert("menu item");


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