Spread for ASP.NET 7.0 Product Documentation
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Spread for ASP.NET 7.0 Product Documentation > Client-Side Scripting Reference > Scripting Members > Events

Glossary Item Box

Here are the client-side scripting events. The members are listed in alphabetical order by name.

Events Summary
onActiveCellChanged Occurs when the active cell is changed from the current one to a new one.
onActiveCellChanging Occurs when the active cell is changing from the current one to a new one.
onAutoFilteredColumn Occurs when the client receives the filtering result from the server.
onAutoFilteringColumn Occurs when the user selects a filter item.
onCallBackStart Occurs just before the component makes a request to the ASPX page.
onCallBackStopped Occurs after the component gets the result from the callback request to the ASPX page.
onColumnDragMove Occurs when the user drops a column at the destination location.
onColumnDragMoveCompleted Occurs after the Spread component completes moving the column.
onColWidthChanged Occurs after the Spread component completes resizing the column.
onContextMenuClosed Occurs when the menu is closed.
onContextMenuOpened Occurs when the menu is shown.
onContextMenuOpening Occurs when the menu is being shown.
onCopyData Occurs when the user copies data.
onDataChanged Occurs when the value of a cell is changed.
onEditStart Occurs when the user begins to edit a cell.
onEditStopped Occurs when cell editing is done.
onErrorMessageShown Occurs when an error message is displayed client side.
onLoadRowsStart Occurs when rows start loading with the background load on demand.
onLoadRowsStopped Occurs when rows finish loading with the background load on demand.
onMenuClicked Occurs when an item on the menu is clicked.
onRowHeightChanged Occurs after the Spread component completes resizing the row.
onScroll Occurs when the user scrolls the sheet.

Occurs when the selection is finished changing.

onTouchStripClosed Occurs when the touch strip is closed.
onTouchStripOpened Occurs when the touch strip is opened.
onTouchStripOpening Occurs when the touch strip is being opened.

For an introduction to scripting, refer to the Scripting Overview.

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