ActiveReports 8
Barcode (Section Report)
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The Barcode report control offers 39 different barcode styles to choose from. This saves you the time and expense of finding and integrating a separate component. As with other data-bound report controls, you can bind a barcode to data using the DataField property.

Apart from the barcode style, you can manage the alignment, direction, color, background color, bar width, caption position, font, text, and check whether checksum is enabled in the Properties Window. There are more properties available with the Code49, PDF417, and QRCode barcode styles. Click the Barcode to reveal its properties in the Properties window. All of the properties specific to this report control are also available in the Barcode dialog.

Important Properties


Barcode Dialog

With the control selected on the report, in the Commands section at the bottom of the Properties window, you can click the Property dialog command to open the dialog.


Barcode Settings



See Also

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