ActiveReports 8
DesignerAction Enumeration
See Also 
GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Design.Win.v8 Assembly > GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Design Namespace : DesignerAction Enumeration

Glossary Item Box

List of available designer commands (actions)


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Enum DesignerAction 
   Inherits System.Enum
public enum DesignerAction : System.Enum 


BackColorDlgOpens the back color editor.
BorderBottomSets bottom border.
BorderLeftSets left border.
BorderRightSets right border.
BordersAllSets all borders.
BordersNoneSets no borders.
BorderTopSets top border.
ConvertToCplConverts the FPL report to CPL report.
ConvertToFplConverts the CPL report to FPL report.
ConvertToMasterConverts the regular CPL report to the CPL Master report.
DataSourceSetupView: Data Source setup.
EditCopyEdit: Copy.
EditCutEdit: Cut.
EditDeleteEdit: Delete.
EditDesignerView report Designer tab.
EditOleObjectEdit: Ole object.
EditPasteEdit: Paste.
EditPreviewView report Preview tab.
EditRedoEdit: Redo.
EditScriptView: Script code editor.
EditUndoEdit: Undo.
EnableChartWizardEnable the chart wizard.
FileOpenFile: Open.
FileSaveFile: Save.
ForeColorDlgOpens the dialog for setting the foreground color for a control.
FormatAlignBottomFormat: Align control bottom.
FormatAlignCenterFormat: Align control center.
FormatAlignLeftFormat: Align control left.
FormatAlignMiddleFormat: Align control middle.
FormatAlignRightFormat: Align control right.
FormatAlignToGridFormat: Align controls to grid.
FormatAlignTopFormat: Align control top.

Format: Background color.

Note: Font and color actions are not supported in the ExecuteAction method.  In order to set font and color properties you should directly access the selected object and set those properties.

FormatBorderFormat: Border.
FormatBringToFrontBrings a control to the front of the z-order.
FormatCenterHorizontallyFormat: Center control horizontally.
FormatCenterVerticallyFormat: Center control vertically.

Format: Bold.

Note: Font and color actions are not supported in the ExecuteAction method.  In order to set font and color properties you should directly access the selected object and set those properties.


Format: Italic.

Note: Font and color actions are not supported in the ExecuteAction method.  In order to set font and color properties you should directly access the selected object and set those properties.


Format: Font name.

Note: Font and color actions are not supported in the ExecuteAction method.  In order to set font and color properties you should directly access the selected object and set those properties.


Format: Font size.

Note: Font and color actions are not supported in the ExecuteAction method.  In order to set font and color properties you should directly access the selected object and set those properties.


Format: Underline.

Note: Font and color actions are not supported in the ExecuteAction method.  In order to set font and color properties you should directly access the selected object and set those properties.


Format: Foreground color.

Note: Font and color actions are not supported in the ExecuteAction method.  In order to set font and color properties you should directly access the selected object and set those properties.


Format: Line color.

Note: Font and color actions are not supported in the ExecuteAction method.  In order to set font and color properties you should directly access the selected object and set those properties.


Format: Line style.

Note: Font and color actions are not supported in the ExecuteAction method.  In order to set font and color properties you should directly access the selected object and set those properties.

FormatLockControlsFormat: Lock control size and position.
FormatOrderBringToFrontFormat: Bring control to the foreground.
FormatOrderSendToBackFormat: Send control to the background.
FormatRTFBulletsFormat: Set RTF bullet style.
FormatRTFIndentFormat: Indent RTF text.
FormatRTFOutdentFormat: Outdent RTF text.
FormatSendToBackSends a control to the back of the z-order.
FormatSizeBothFormat: Size controls to the same width and height.
FormatSizeSameHeightFormat: Size controls to the same height.
FormatSizeSameWidthFormat: Size controls to the same width.
FormatSizeToGridFormat: Make control sizes correspond to grid marks.
FormatSpaceDecreaseHorizontalFormat: Decrease horizontal spacing.
FormatSpaceDecreaseVerticalFormat: Decrease vertical spacing.
FormatSpaceEquallyHorizontalFormat: Space horizontal controls evenly.
FormatSpaceEquallyVerticalFormat: Space vertical controls evenly.
FormatSpaceIncreaseHorizontalFormat: Increase horizontal spacing.
FormatSpaceIncreaseVerticalFormat: Increase vertical spacing.
FormatSpaceRemoveHorizontalFormat: Remove horizontal spacing.
FormatSpaceRemoveVerticalFormat: Remove vertical spacing.
FormatStyleFormat: Style.
FormatTextAlignCenterFormat: Align text center.
FormatTextAlignJustifyFormat: Justify text.
FormatTextAlignLeftFormat: Align text left.
FormatTextAlignRightFormat: Align text right.
GenerateExcelTemplateGenerates the excel template for the CPL reports.
GridModeSwitches the grid mode.
InsertGroupHFEdit: Insert a Group Header/Footer section pair.
InsertPageHFEdit: Insert a Page Header/Footer section pair.
InsertReportHFEdit: Insert a Report Header/Footer section pair.
InsertRTFFieldEdit: Insert an RTF Field.
MouseModePanSets the pan mouse mode. 
MouseModeSelectSets the selection mouse mode
NewReportDisplays the new report dialog.
OpenOutputFormatDialogOpen the OutputFormat dialog.
PageFooterAdds or removes the page footer of the CPL report.
PageHeaderAdds or removes the page header of the CPL report.
ReorderGroupsEdit: Reorder Groups.
ReportImagesDisplays the page report images dialog.
ReportParamsDisplays the page report parameters dialog.
ReportPropertiesDisplays the page report properties dialog.
ReportSettingsFile: Report Settings.
SelectAllSelects all the report controls.
SetMasterReportSets the master report of the CPL report.
ToggleDimensionLinesTurns on/off the dimensions helper lines.
ToggleSnapToGridView: Snap to grid instead of using snap lines.
ToggleSnapToLinesView: Use Snap Lines instead of snap to grid. .

View: Grid.

ZoomActualResets the zoom.
ZoomInZooms the report design surface in.
ZoomOutZooms the report design surface out.
ZoomValueSets the zoom value of the report design surface.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Target Platforms: Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also