ActiveReports 8
IReportParameter Interface Members
See Also  Properties 
GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Viewer.Win.v8 Assembly > GrapeCity.Viewer.Common.Model Namespace : IReportParameter Interface

Glossary Item Box

The following tables list the members exposed by IReportParameter.

Public Properties

 PropertyAllowEmptyTrue if parameter is String and it accepts String.Empty.  
 PropertyAvailableValuesList of available values for multivalue parameter  
 PropertyDateOnlyIf parameter is DateTime specifies whether user should be prompted for both date and time or only the date.  
 PropertyDependantParametersDependant parameters  
 PropertyExtendedInfoGets extended error parameter  
 PropertyMultiLineGets true if text field is multiline  
 PropertyMultiValueSpecifies whether parameter allows entering multiple values  
 PropertyNameGets parameter's name  
 PropertyNullableGets true if nullable checkbox should be displayed  
 PropertyParameterTypeGets parameter type  
 PropertyPromptGets parameter caption  
 PropertyStateParameter state  
 PropertyValueGets or sets parameter value  
 PropertyValuesGets the parameter value in case of multivalue parameter  

See Also