ActiveReports 8
ReportModelBase Class Members
See Also  Fields  Properties  Methods  Events
GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Viewer.Win.v8 Assembly > GrapeCity.Viewer.Common.Model Namespace : ReportModelBase Class

Glossary Item Box

The following tables list the members exposed by ReportModelBase.

Public Fields

Public FieldGracefulShutdownTimeoutMsTime span given to reports to stop loading report, after which they will be forced to comply  
Public FieldMaxTotalPageCount  

Public Properties

Public PropertyAllowBackToParentGets true if report has the BackToParent capability  
Public PropertyAllowGalleyModeGets true if report has the GalleyMode option  
Public PropertyAllParametersValidGets true if all parameters got valid values and report could be executed  
Public PropertyAutoRunGets true is report should be executed after loading  
Public PropertyCancelReturns "Cancel loading" command  
Public PropertyDisableRefreshCancelDisables Refresh/Cancel button as non-applicable (e.g. .Document is assigned in runtime).  
Public PropertyErrorNon-null if LoadState is LoadState.Error, null otherwise. Second class property: you will not be notified on this property change.  
Public PropertyGalleyModeGets true if report should be rendered in GalleyMode  
Public PropertyHasParametersIndicates, that report has parameters. Non-volatile.  
Public PropertyLoadStateGets current report execution/loading state  
Public PropertyReportCultureCulture of the report. Null if report don't have such information.  
Public PropertyRunGets "Execute" command  

Public Methods

Public MethodClearBookmarks  
Public MethodDispose  
Public MethodLoadLoads data into report. Must be implemented in descedants.  
Public MethodRefreshBookmarks  
Public MethodSetupExecutionContextHACK Temporary stub method to pass execution context back to report  

Public Events

See Also