Series Constructor |
Annotations | Returns the collection of Annotations which is used with the Series. |
AntiAliasMode (Inherited from DrawCustomizableItem) | |
AxisX | Sets or returns the axis the Layer will be based on horizontally. |
AxisY | Sets or returns the axis the Layer will be based on vertically. |
Backdrop | Gets or sets the backdrop information used to fill the Series. |
BorderLine | Gets or sets the line information used for the border line of the Series. |
ChartArea | Sets or returns the ChartArea for the Series. |
ChartConfig | Returns the ChartTypeConfig for the Series. |
ColorPalette | Gets or sets the color palette enumeration used for the series. |
ContextMenu (Inherited from MouseEnabledItem) | |
DisplayInLegend | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Series is displayed in the graph legend. |
Legend | Gets or sets the Legend object for the series. |
LegendText | Gets or sets the text that will be displayed for the series in the legend. |
Line | Gets or sets the line information used for the series. |
Marker | Gets or sets the marker information used for the series. |
Name | Overridden. Gets or sets the name of the series as a string. |
Points | Gets a DataPointsCollection object. |
Properties | Gets or sets the CustomProperties settings for the series. |
Tooltip | Gets or sets the tooltip text for the series. |
Type | Gets or sets the chart type for the series. |
ValueMembersY | Gets or sets the binding formula for the Y values in the series. |
ValueMemberX | Gets or sets the binding formula for the X values in the series. |
Visible | Sets or returns a value indicating whether the series is visible. |
ZOrder | Gets or sets the Z position of the series on the chart. |
Clone | Overridden. Creates a clone of the Series object. |
Dispose (Inherited from MouseEnabledComponent) | |
InternalGetParents (Inherited from Item) | |
OnMouseDown (Inherited from MouseEnabledItem) | |
OnMouseEnter (Inherited from MouseEnabledItem) | |
OnMouseHover | Overridden. |
OnMouseLeave | Overridden. Raises the MouseLeave event. |
OnMouseMove | Overridden. Raises the MouseMove event. |
OnMouseUp (Inherited from MouseEnabledItem) | |
OnMouseWheel (Inherited from MouseEnabledItem) | |
ShouldSerializePoints | |
ToString (Inherited from MouseEnabledComponent) |
Change (Inherited from Item) | |
Disposed (Inherited from MouseEnabledComponent) | |
MouseDown (Inherited from MouseEnabledItem) | |
MouseEnter (Inherited from MouseEnabledItem) | |
MouseHover (Inherited from MouseEnabledItem) | |
MouseLeave (Inherited from MouseEnabledItem) | |
MouseMove (Inherited from MouseEnabledItem) | |
MouseUp (Inherited from MouseEnabledItem) | |
MouseWheel (Inherited from MouseEnabledItem) | |
PostDraw (Inherited from DrawCustomizableItem) | |
PreDraw (Inherited from DrawCustomizableItem) | |
ValueChangedEvent | For internal use only. |
Series Class | DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Chart Namespace
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