Page Constructor | Initializes a new instance of the Page class. |
BackColor | Specifies the background color used to render shapes and text to the page. |
Bookmarks | Returns a list of the page's bookmarks. |
CanvasItems | Returns a list of the page's canvas items. |
Compress | Sets or returns a value indicating whether the page is compressed. |
Font | Gets or sets the current font used to draw text on the page. |
Fonts | Returns the collection of fonts for the page. |
ForeColor | Gets or sets the current foreground color used to draw text and shapes on the page. |
Height | Gets or sets the height of the page in inches. |
Margins | Gets a reference to the page margins settings. |
Orientation | Gets or sets the orientation of the page. |
PenStyle | Gets or sets the line style used to draw lines and shapes. |
PenWidth | Gets or sets the width of the pen used to draw lines and shapes. (1/10 point). |
RightToLeft | Determines whether DrawText should render text RightToLeft. |
Size | Returns a SizeF structure with the height and width of the page. |
TextAlignment | Determines the text alignment when using the DrawText method. |
TextAngle | Gets or sets the angle of text used to draw text. |
Units | Gets or sets the units used with the page primitive drawing methods. |
VerticalText | Sets or returns a value indicating whether to draw text vertically when using the DrawText method. |
VerticalTextAlignment | Determines the vertical text alignment when using the DrawText method. |
Width | Gets or sets the width of the page (in inches). |
AddBookmark | Adds a bookmark to the page at the specified offset. |
Clear | Clears all items from all pages. |
ClearCanvasItems | Clears all CanvasItems from the page. |
ContainResource | For internal use only. |
Dispose | Releases the Page instance from memory. |
Draw | Overloaded. Renders the page's content to the specified Graphics object at the specified coordinates. |
DrawBorder | Overloaded. Paints the specified border at the specified coordinates. |
DrawEllipse | Draws an ellipse on the page. |
DrawImage | Overloaded. Draws an image on the page. |
DrawLine | Draws a line on the page at the specified coordinates. |
DrawRect | Overloaded. Draws a rectangular shape on the page at the specified coordinates. |
DrawRoundRect | Draws a rounded rectangle on the page at the specified coordinates. |
DrawTable | For internal use only. |
DrawText | Overloaded. Draws text on the page. |
FillRect | Overloaded. Fills the specified area with the current page BackColor. |
Load | Overloaded. Loads page content from a reader or a file. |
MeasureParagraphHeight | Overloaded. Measures the height of the specified text if rendered using the current page settings with the specified width. Measures the height of the specified text in a specified width at run time. |
MeasureText | Determines the width and height of text string. |
Overlay | Overlays the specified page object on top of the Page. |
Save | Overloaded. Saves page content. |
ToString | Overridden. Renders the page's settings and content to a string. |
Page Class | DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Document Namespace
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