The DataDynamics.ActiveReports namespace contains the reporting engine classes and report controls.
Class | Description |
ActiveReport | The ActiveReport class is the base class for all reports. It is used to load the report XML layout files (RPX) and execute and render the report. |
ActiveReport.FetchEventArgs | FetchEventArgs class provides data required for the FetchData Event. |
ARControl | ARControl is the base class for ActiveReports controls. You should not need to use this class in your application. |
Barcode | The Barcode control is used to print barcode symbology in the report. |
Barcode.BarCodeDataException | The exception thrown when an error is caused by an inapplicable value of the barcode control. For internal use only. |
Border | Paints a border around the control area. |
Border.BorderMargins | Gets the amount of padding around the content of the control. |
BorderLine | For internal use only. |
CellPadding | For internal use only. |
ChartControl | Renders a chart on the report. |
CheckBox | Checkbox is used to print Boolean values as checked or unchecked. |
ControlCollection | Represents a collection of ARControl objects. |
CustomControl | CustomControl is a wrapper class that allows you to print .NET controls that inherit from System.Windows.Forms.Control |
Detail | Detail section is the main section in a report. It is printed once for each record in the data source. |
Edges | For internal use only. |
Field | The Field class represents any data field available for data binding in ActiveReports. |
FieldCollection | The FieldCollection class manages the data binding fields used in the report. |
GroupFooter | The GroupFooter section is directly related to the Detail section and its matching group header. It prints once each time a group of similar records (as defined in the GroupHeader.DataField property) ends. A GroupFooter section cannot exist without a matching GroupHeader section. |
GroupHeader | The GroupHeader section prints once for every data group defined using the field specified in DataField property. A GroupHeader section requires a matching GroupFooter section. |
Image | For internal use only. |
Label | Prints static text on the report. |
Line | Prints a line on the report. |
NumericUnit | For internal use only. |
OleObject | OleObject is a wrapper class for printing OLE objects. |
Padding | For internal use only. |
PageBreak | PageBreak ends the current page and starts a new page at the control's location on the page. |
PageFooter | The PageFooter section prints once at the bottom of every page in the report. |
PageHeader | The PageHeader section prints once at the top of every page in the report. |
PageSettings | Specifies the page settings used to print the report document pages. |
Parameter | A Parameter is used to substitute values for parameter placeholders in the report's data source SQL query text. |
Parameters | Represents the collection of parameters that ActiveReports parses from the parameter placeholders in the data source SQL query. |
ParamQuery | For internal use only. |
Picture | Prints an image on the report. |
ReportDataException | This exception is thrown when an error occurs while connecting to the report's data source. |
ReportException | This exception or one of its descendent classes is thrown when an error occurs while running the report. |
ReportFooter | The ReportFooter section prints once at the end of the report. |
ReportHeader | The ReportHeader section is printed once at the beginning of the report. |
ReportScriptException | The ReportScriptException is thrown when an error occurs in the report scripting code or any of the report's calculated DataField expressions. |
RichTextBox | Prints text formatted as Rich Text (RTF) on the report. |
Section | Section is the base class of all ActiveReports section types. |
SectionCollection | Represents a collection of all sections (Section objects) in the report layout. |
Shape | Prints a rectangular or oval shape on the report. |
Style | Represents the formatting properties of a control. |
StyleSheet | Represents the collection of Style objects used to format controls. |
SubReport | Prints a linked report object as part of the current report. Subreports are linked using the Report property. |
TableCellAttributes | For internal use only. |
TextBox | Prints a formatted text value, bound or unbound. |
Enumeration | Description |
ActiveReport.ReportState | Determines the current state of the report engine. |
BarCodeCaptionPosition | Specifies the barcode caption position relative to the barcode symbol. |
BarCodeDirection | Specifies the print direction of the barcode symbol. |
BarCodeStyle | Type of code, or symbology, the barcode control will use to generate the barcode. |
BorderLineStyle | Specifies the line style used to draw the border line. |
CellAlignmentTypes | For internal use. |
ChartControl.UIAction | The action to perform on the chart control. |
ColumnDirection | Specifies the direction of columns in a multi-column report. |
GroupKeepTogether | Specifies whether a group header and footer pair with associated details will print as a single block on the same page. |
ImageTypes | Specifies the type of image to be used for a chart. |
LayoutAction | Specifies the action to be performed after a section is formatted. |
LineStyle | Specifies the pen style used to draw a line. |
NewColumn | Specifies whether a new column will be started before or after a section. |
NewPage | Specifies whether a new page will be started before or after a section. |
PageSettings.PrinterCollate | Determines the collation order when printing multiple copies of a report. |
Parameter.DataType | Specifies the data type used to create the input control for collection of report parameter values. |
Parameters.ParseResultCode | Specifies the results of parsing the report's parameter values. |
PictureAlignment | Determines the position of the picture within the control area. |
RepeatStyle | Specifies whether a group header section will be repeated with subsequent detail pages. |
RichTextBox.FindOptions | Specifies how a text search is carried out in a RichTextBox control.
This enumeration has a FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values. |
RichTextBox.RichTextStreamType | Determines the RichText control's content type. |
RichTextType | Determines the type of stream to load into the RichTextBox. |
SectionType | Specifies the type of the section object. |
ShapeType | Specifies the type of shape that the shape control should print. |
SizeModes | Determines how a picture should be sized within the control area. |
SummaryFunc | Determines the summary calculation function performed on the field value. |
SummaryRunning | Determines whether summary values will be accumulated or reset based on the specified level. |
SummaryType | Determines the type of field summary. |
TextAlignment | Specifies the horizontal alignment of text within the control area. |
UnitType | For internal use. |
VerticalTextAlignment | Specifies the vertical alignment of text within the control area. |
Delegate | Description |
ActiveReport.FetchEventHandler | Represents the method that handles the FetchData event. |
ActiveReport.ParameterUIClosedHandler | Represents a method that handles the ParameterUIClosed event. |
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