Glossary Item Box
The Chart control provides several ways to bind your charts to data at design time.
To open the Chart Wizard, click the Wizard... hyperlink below the Properties window. In the Chart Wizard, once you have added a series, you can create a data adapter to contain the data for your chart, if needed. When a data source is available, the Value X and Y values can be set for the series in the chart wizard from the expressions and/or data columns retrieved from the data source.
Once a data source is set up, you can easily bind data to a series using the Chart Designer. To open the Chart Designer, click the Customize... hyperlink below the Properties window. Choose the Series section on the left, and on the General tab, after a series has been added to the chart, set the ValueY property by selecting the name of the data expression you wish to assign to the series.
To set the data source for the chart through the Chart Data Source dialog, click the DataSource... hyperlink below the Properties Window.
After the DataSource for the chart is set, add a series to the chart. To do this, open the Series Collection Editor dialog by clicking the ellipsis button which appears when you click next to the Series property in the Properties Window, then click the "Add" button. To bind the series to an expression or data set column returned by your data source, set the ValueMembersY or ValueMembersX property of the series by selecting it from the drop-down list.
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