Glossary Item Box
Property | Data Type | Description |
AllowSplitter | Boolean | Sets or returns whether or not the viewer can be split into two windows. |
BackColor | OLE_COLOR | Sets or returns the background color of the viewer. |
BorderStyle | BorderStyle | Sets or returns the border style. |
DataPath | String | Report file (RDF) URL for asynchronous downloads. |
Object | Object | Returns an object in a collection |
Pages | Pages collection | Returns a reference to the current pages collection displayed in the viewer. |
PaperColor | OLE_COLOR | Sets or returns the paper background color. |
Printer | Printer | Returns a reference to the viewer's printer object. |
ReportSource | Object | Sets or returns a reference to the linked subreport. |
RulerVisible | Boolean | Sets or returns whether or not the viewer's top and side rulers are shown at run-time. |
Status | ViewerStatus | Returns the status of loading pages into the viewer cache. |
TOC | TOC | Returns a reference to the table of contents object. |
TOCEnabled | Boolean | Disables or enables the TOC tree. |
TOCVisible | Boolean | Determines whether the table of contents tree is visible. |
TOCWidth | Single | Sets or returns the width of the TOC tree when displayed. |
Toolbar | DDToolbar | Returns a reference to the built-in toolbar object. The toolbar object allows you modify the toolbar's icons and tools. |
ToolbarVisible | Boolean | Determines whether the built-in toolbar is visible. |
UseSourcePrinter | Boolean | Sets/return whether the viewer or ReportSource printer is used to print the report. |
Zoom | Integer | Sets or returns the zoom level of the current page view. |
Method | Description |
CopyPageToClipboard | Copies the indicated page to the clipboard.
Sub CopyPageToClipboard([Page]) |
Find | Searches a report for a specified string.
Sub Find(View As SplitViewTypes, SearchText As String, Direction As SearchDirectionTypes, MatchCase As Boolean, MatchWord As Boolean) |
Localize | Allows modification of the caption of the string used in the preview window.
Localize(index As Integer, str As String) |
MultiplePage | Switches the viewer settings so multiple pages can be displayed at one time.
Sub MultiplePage(View As SplitViewTypes, rows As Integer, cols As Integer) |
PrintReport | Prints the viewer pages collection to the selected device.
Sub PrintReport(bDisplayDialog As Boolean) |
Refresh | Refreshes the viewer control.
Sub Refresh() |
SinglePage | Switches the viewer back to displaying a single page.
Sub SinglePage(View As SplitViewTypes) |
Event | Description |
DblClick | Fired when the user double clicks the mouse in the viewer.
Sub DblClick() |
Error | Occurs when an error fires.
Sub Error(Number As Integer, ByVal Description As String,ByVal SCode As Long, ByVal Source As String, ByVal HelpFile As String, ByValHelpContext As Long, CancelDisplay As Boolean) |
FindProgress | This event fires when a search is performed on a report loaded into the viewer. When a search reaches a report's end or beginning, the event will fire.
Event FindProgress(ByVal Result As DDActiveReortsViewer2Ctl.FindResults) |
HyperLink | This event fires when a hyperlink is clicked. The event can be used to redirect the hyperlink or prevent the link from activating.
Sub Hyperlink(ByVal Button As Integer, Link As String) |
KeyDown | Fired when a key is pressed down while the viewer has focus.
Sub KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) |
KeyPress | Fired When a key is pressed and released while the viewer has focus.
Sub KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) |
KeyUp | Fired when a key is released while the viewer has focus.
Sub KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) |
LoadCompleted | Fired when all the pages in the report source have been loaded into the viewer.
Sub LoadCompleted() |
MouseDown | Fired when a mouse button is pressed down.
Sub MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single,Y As Single) |
MouseMove | Fired as the mouse moves over the viewer area.
Sub MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) |
MouseOver | This event fires when the mouse moves over a report page. If the mouse moves over a control with a hyperlink, then the link will be returned.
Sub MouseOver(ByVal PageX As Long, ByVal PageY As Long, ByVal Hyperlink As String) |
MouseUp | Fired when a mouse button is released.
Sub MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) |
PageModeChanged | Fired when the viewer switches between displaying a single page and multiple pages.
Sub PageModeChanged(ByVal MultiplePage As Boolean) |
PrintAborted | Called in the PrintReport Method when the user cancels a print job before it finishes.
Sub PrintAborted() |
TOCClick | Fired on a mouse click in the TOC treeview window.
Sub TOCClick(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal As Long, ByVal Flags As Long) |
TOCSelChange | Fired when the TOC selection changes.
Sub TOCSelChange (ByVal ItemIndex As Long) |
ToolbarClick | Fired when the user clicks on a tool in the viewer toolbar.
Sub ToolbarClick(ByVal Tool As DDTool) |
ZoomChanged | Fired when the viewer's zoom percentage changes.
Sub ZoomChanged() |
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