Glossary Item Box

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ActiveX Viewer Control


Property Data Type Description
AllowSplitter Boolean Sets or returns whether or not the viewer can be split into two windows.
BackColor OLE_COLOR Sets or returns the background color of the viewer.
BorderStyle BorderStyle Sets or returns the border style.
DataPath String Report file (RDF) URL for asynchronous downloads.
Object Object Returns an object in a collection
Pages Pages collection Returns a reference to the current pages collection displayed in the viewer.
PaperColor OLE_COLOR Sets or returns the paper background color.
Printer Printer Returns a reference to the viewer's printer object.
ReportSource Object Sets or returns a reference to the linked subreport.
RulerVisible Boolean Sets or returns whether or not the viewer's top and side rulers are shown at run-time.
Status ViewerStatus Returns the status of loading pages into the viewer cache.
TOC TOC Returns a reference to the table of contents object.
TOCEnabled Boolean Disables or enables the TOC tree.
TOCVisible Boolean Determines whether the table of contents tree is visible.
TOCWidth Single Sets or returns the width of the TOC tree when displayed.
Toolbar DDToolbar Returns a reference to the built-in toolbar object. The toolbar object allows you modify the toolbar's icons and tools.
ToolbarVisible Boolean Determines whether the built-in toolbar is visible.
UseSourcePrinter Boolean Sets/return whether the viewer or ReportSource printer is used to print the report.
Zoom Integer Sets or returns the zoom level of the current page view.


Method Description
CopyPageToClipboard Copies the indicated page to the clipboard.

Sub CopyPageToClipboard([Page])

Find Searches a report for a specified string.

Sub Find(View As SplitViewTypes, SearchText As String, Direction As SearchDirectionTypes, MatchCase As Boolean, MatchWord As Boolean)

Localize Allows modification of the caption of the string used in the preview window.

Localize(index As Integer, str As String)

MultiplePage Switches the viewer settings so multiple pages can be displayed at one time.

Sub MultiplePage(View As SplitViewTypes, rows As Integer, cols As Integer)

PrintReport Prints the viewer pages collection to the selected device.

Sub PrintReport(bDisplayDialog As Boolean)

Refresh Refreshes the viewer control.

Sub Refresh()

SinglePage Switches the viewer back to displaying a single page.

Sub SinglePage(View As SplitViewTypes)


Event Description
DblClick Fired when the user double clicks the mouse in the viewer.

Sub DblClick()

Error Occurs when an error fires.

Sub Error(Number As Integer, ByVal Description As String,ByVal SCode As Long, ByVal Source As String, ByVal HelpFile As String, ByValHelpContext As Long, CancelDisplay As Boolean)

FindProgress This event fires when a search is performed on a report loaded into the viewer. When a search reaches a report's end or beginning, the event will fire.

Event FindProgress(ByVal Result As DDActiveReortsViewer2Ctl.FindResults)

HyperLink This event fires when a hyperlink is clicked. The event can be used to redirect the hyperlink or prevent the link from activating.

Sub Hyperlink(ByVal Button As Integer, Link As String)

KeyDown Fired when a key is pressed down while the viewer has focus.

Sub KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)

KeyPress Fired When a key is pressed and released while the viewer has focus.

Sub KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

KeyUp Fired when a key is released while the viewer has focus.

Sub KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)

LoadCompleted Fired when all the pages in the report source have been loaded into the viewer.

Sub LoadCompleted()

MouseDown Fired when a mouse button is pressed down.

Sub MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single,Y As Single)

MouseMove Fired as the mouse moves over the viewer area.

Sub MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

MouseOver This event fires when the mouse moves over a report page. If the mouse moves over a control with a hyperlink, then the link will be returned.

Sub MouseOver(ByVal PageX As Long, ByVal PageY As Long, ByVal Hyperlink As String)

MouseUp Fired when a mouse button is released.

Sub MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

PageModeChanged Fired when the viewer switches between displaying a single page and multiple pages.

Sub PageModeChanged(ByVal MultiplePage As Boolean)

PrintAborted Called in the PrintReport Method when the user cancels a print job before it finishes.

Sub PrintAborted()

TOCClick Fired on a mouse click in the TOC treeview window.

Sub TOCClick(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal As Long, ByVal Flags As Long)

TOCSelChange Fired when the TOC selection changes.

Sub TOCSelChange (ByVal ItemIndex As Long)

ToolbarClick Fired when the user clicks on a tool in the viewer toolbar.

Sub ToolbarClick(ByVal Tool As DDTool)

ZoomChanged Fired when the viewer's zoom percentage changes.

Sub ZoomChanged()



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