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PDF Export Troubleshooting

Symptoms: The "Specified Cast Is Not Valid" exception fires.

Cause: There is a mix of old and new dlls in the references.


  1. Remove all ActiveReports for .NET 2.0 references from the project.
  2. Add the ActiveReports for .NET 2.0 references necessary to your project, making sure to use only references to assemblies from the latest build installed on your machine.

Symptoms: Barcodes in printed PDF exports do not scan and the page margins appear larger than the ones in the original report.

Cause: The Adobe Acrobat reader has a default setting in the Print dialog which tells it to scale down large pages.  The reader views ActiveReports margins as part of the document, and renders them inside the new margins it creates. This is normally not noticeable unless barcodes are used or the PDF printout is held up next to a printout of the original report.


For Acrobat 6, change the following options in the Print dialog under Page Handling:

  1. Set Page scaling to None (the default is Shrink large pages).
  2. Uncheck Auto-Rotate and Center.

For Acrobat 5, uncheck the following options in the Print dialog:

  1. Shrink oversized pages to paper size
  2. Expand small pages to paper size
  3. Auto-rotate and center pages

Symptoms: In the WebViewer, reports render correctly with the HTML viewer type but they show up blank with the AcrobatReader viewer type on the production web server.

Cause: .ArCacheItem is not set up in your IIS extension mappings.


  1. From the Start menu, choose All Programs, Administrative Tools, Internet Information Services.
  2. Right-click your Default Web Site and choose Properties.
  3. On the Home Directory tab, click the Configuration... button.
  4. On the Mapping tab, check the Extension column to see whether .ArCacheItem appears there.
  5. If .ArCacheItem does not appear click the Add button.
  6. Browse to C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322 or C:\WINNT\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322.
  7. Change Files of type: to Dynamic Link libraries (*.dll).
  8. Choose the aspnet_isapi.dll and click Open.
  9. In the Extension textbox type ".ArCacheItem".
  10. Click the Limit to: radio button and type "GET,HEAD,POST,DEBUG".
  11. Make sure that the "Script engine" checkbox is checked and the "Check that file exists" checkbox is not checked.
  12. Click OK.




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