Glossary Item Box

Orientation: Parameters Walkthroughs

Concepts: Parameters

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Troubleshooting Parameters

Symptoms: An error message is displayed in the Fields list in the Report Explorer instead of the fields.

Cause: This is an expected error if no default value is given. If the field is a data type other than text, memo, or date/time in Access, the report will run normally.

Solution: To display the fields in the Fields list in the Report Explorer, supply a default value for the parameter, i.e.

<%FieldName | PromptString | DefaultValue | Type%>

Symptoms: When the report is run, an exception like the following occurs: "An unhandled exception of type 'System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException' occurred in"

Cause: If the field is a text, memo, or date/time data type in Access, the parameter syntax requires single quotes for text or memo fields, or pound signs for date/time fields. Please note that for different data sources, these requirements may differ.

Solution: To avoid the exception when the report is run against an Access database, use pound signs for date/time values, or single quotes for string values, i.e.

#<%InvoiceDate | Choose invoice date: | 11/2/04 | D%>#


'<%Country | Country: | Germany | S%>'

Symptoms: The parameter user interface pops up at run time asking for a value even though the main report is supplying the parameter values for the subreports.

Cause: The default value of the ShowParameterUI property of the report is True. 

Solution: Set the ShowParameterUI property of the report to False. This can be done in the property grid or in code in the ReportStart event.

Orientation: Parameters Walkthroughs

Concepts: Parameters



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