Glossary Item Box
In ActiveReports for .NET 2.0, data sets with relationships can be used to populate fields in subreports.
Note Subreports will not render PageHeader/Footer sections.
This walkthrough illustrates how to use data sets with relationships in nested subreports.
This walkthrough is split up into the following activities:
To complete the walkthrough, you must have access to the NorthWind database (NWind.mdb).
When you have finished this walkthrough, you will have a report that looks similar to the following.
To add three ActiveReports to a Visual Studio project
To add controls to the reports
Control | DataField | Name | Text/Caption | Section | Location |
Label | (Empty string) | lblCategoryName | Category Name | PageHeader | 0, 0 |
Label | (Empty string) | lblProduct | Product | PageHeader | 1.25, 0 |
Label | (Empty string) | lblOrderDetails | Order Details | PageHeader | 2.75, 0 |
TextBox | CategoryName | txtCategoryName | Category Name | GroupHeader | 0, 0 |
Subreport | (Empty string) | SubReport1 | (Empty string) | Detail | 1.25, 0 |
Control | DataField | Name | Text/Caption | Section | Location |
TextBox | ProductName | txtProductName | Product Name | GroupHeader | 0, 0 |
Label | (Empty string) | lblUnitPrice | Unit Price | Detail | 1.4375, 0 |
Label | (Empty string) | lblQuantity | Quantity | Detail | 2.5625, 0 |
Label | (Empty string) | lblPrice | Price | Detail | 3.5625, 0 |
Subreport | (Empty string) | SubReport1 | (Empty string) | Detail | 1.4375, 0.1875 |
Control | DataField | Name | Text/Caption | OutputFormat | Location |
TextBox | UnitPrice | txtUnitPrice | Unit Price | Currency | 0, 0 |
TextBox | Quantity | txtQuantity | Quantity | (Empty string) | 1, 0 |
TextBox | Discount | txtDiscount | Discount | Currency | 2, 0 |
To set the data connections
To write the code for the viewer in Visual Basic
To write the code for the viewer in C#
The following example shows what the code for the method looks like.
'Visual Basic Dim myJoinedDS As New DataSet() Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _ Handles MyBase.Load Dim rpt As New rptCategories() Dim cnnString As String Dim cnn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection() cnnString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=c:\NWIND.MDB" cnn = New OleDb.OleDbConnection(cnnString) cnn.Open() Dim catAd As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("Select * from categories order by _ categoryname", cnn) Dim prodAd As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("Select * from products order by _ productname", cnn) Dim ODAd As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("Select * from [order details]", cnn) catAd.Fill(myJoinedDS, "Categories") prodAd.Fill(myJoinedDS, "Products") ODAd.Fill(myJoinedDS, "OrderDetails") Me.myJoinedDS.Relations.Add("CategoriesProducts", myJoinedDS.Tables("Categories") _ .Columns("CategoryID"), myJoinedDS.Tables("Products").Columns("CategoryID")) Me.myJoinedDS.Relations.Add("ProductsOrderDetails", myJoinedDS.Tables("Products") _ .Columns("ProductID"), myJoinedDS.Tables("OrderDetails").Columns("ProductID")) rpt.DataSource = (myJoinedDS) rpt.DataMember = "Categories" rpt.Run() Me.Viewer1.Document = rpt.Document End Sub
//C# public DataSet myJoinedDS = new DataSet(); private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { rptCategories rpt = new rptCategories(); string cnnString = @"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=c:\NWIND.MDB"; OleDbConnection cnn=new OleDbConnection(cnnString); cnn.Open(); OleDbDataAdapter catAd = new OleDbDataAdapter("Select * from categories order by categoryname",cnn); OleDbDataAdapter prodAd = new OleDbDataAdapter("Select * from products order by productname",cnn); OleDbDataAdapter ODAd = new OleDbDataAdapter("Select * from [order details]", cnn); catAd.Fill(myJoinedDS, "Categories"); prodAd.Fill(myJoinedDS, "Products"); ODAd.Fill(myJoinedDS, "OrderDetails"); this.myJoinedDS.Relations.Add("CategoriesProducts", myJoinedDS.Tables ["Categories"].Columns["CategoryID"], myJoinedDS.Tables["Products"].Columns ["CategoryID"]); this.myJoinedDS.Relations.Add("ProductsOrderDetails", myJoinedDS.Tables ["Products"].Columns["ProductID"], myJoinedDS.Tables["OrderDetails"].Columns ["ProductID"]); rpt.DataSource = (myJoinedDS); rpt.DataMember = "Categories"; rpt.Run(); this.viewer1.Document = rpt.Document; }
To write the code in Visual Basic
To write the code in C#
The following example shows what the code for the method looks like.
'Visual Basic Dim cnt As Integer Private Sub Detail_Format(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _ Handles Detail.Format Dim drCategories As DataRow If CType(Me.DataSource, DataSet).Tables("Categories").Rows.Count > cnt Then drCategories = CType(Me.DataSource, DataSet).Tables("Categories") _ .Rows(cnt) cnt = cnt + 1 End If Dim rpt As New rptProductsSub() rpt.DataSource = drCategories.GetChildRows(CType(Me.DataSource, DataSet) _ .Relations("CategoriesProducts")) Me.SubReport1.Report = rpt End Sub
//C# int cnt; private void Detail_Format(object sender, System.EventArgs eArgs) { DataRow drCategories = null; if(((DataSet)this.DataSource).Tables["Categories"].Rows.Count>cnt) { drCategories = ((DataSet)this.DataSource).Tables["Categories"] .Rows[cnt]; cnt++; } rptProductsSub rpt = new rptProductsSub(); rpt.DataSource = drCategories.GetChildRows(((DataSet)this.DataSource) .Relations["CategoriesProducts"]); this.SubReport1.Report = rpt; }
To write the code in Visual Basic
To write the code in C#
The following example shows what the code for the method looks like.
'Visual Basic Dim cnt As Integer Private Sub Detail_Format(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _ Handles Detail.Format Dim rpt As New rptOrderDetailsSub() Dim drc() As DataRow drc = CType(Me.DataSource, DataRow()) rpt.DataSource = drc(cnt).GetChildRows("ProductsOrderDetails") Me.SubReport1.Report = rpt cnt = cnt + 1 End Sub
//C# int cnt; private void Detail_Format(object sender, System.EventArgs eArgs) { rptOrderDetailsSub rpt = new rptOrderDetailsSub(); DataRow[] drc = ((DataRow[])this.DataSource); rpt.DataSource = drc[cnt].GetChildRows("ProductsOrderDetails"); this.SubReport1.Report = rpt; cnt++; }
To view the report
See Also |
Samples | Walkthroughs | Binding Reports to a Data Source | OutputFormat Strings | GroupKeepTogether enumeration
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