| Name | Description |
  | AutoCompleteProperty | Identifies the AutoComplete dependency property. |
  | ButtonBackgroundProperty | Identifies the ButtonBackground dependency property. |
  | ButtonForegroundProperty | Identifies the ButtonForeground dependency property. |
  | CaretBrushProperty | Identifies the CaretBrush dependency property. |
  | ConditionProperty | Identifies the Condition dependency property. |
  | CornerRadiusProperty | Identifies the CornerRadius dependency property. |
  | DefaultItemHeightProperty | Identifies the DefaultItemHeight dependency property. |
  | DisabledCuesVisibilityProperty | Identifies the DisabledCuesVisibility dependency property. |
  | DropDownDirectionProperty | Identifies the DropDownDirection dependency property. |
  | DropDownHeightProperty | Identifies the DropDownHeight dependency property. |
  | DropDownWidthProperty | Identifies the DropDownWidth dependency property. |
  | FocusBrushProperty | Identifies the FocusBrush dependency property. |
  | FocusCuesVisibilityProperty | Identifies the FocusCuesVisibility dependency property. |
  | IsDropDownOpenProperty | Identifies the IsDropDownOpen dependency property. |
  | IsEditableProperty | Identifies the IsEditable dependency property. |
  | IsFocusedProperty | Identifies the IsFocused dependency property. |
  | ItemContainerStyleProperty | Identifies the ItemContainerStyle dependency property. |
  | ItemConverterProperty | Identifies the ItemConverter dependency property. |
  | MaxDropDownHeightProperty | Identifies the MaxDropDownHeight dependency property. |
  | MaxDropDownItemsProperty | Identifies the MaxDropDownItems dependency property. |
  | MaxDropDownWidthProperty | Identifies the MaxDropDownWidth dependency property. |
  | MouseOverBrushProperty | Identifies the MouseOverBrush dependency property. |
  | MultipleSelectionSeparatorProperty | Identifies the MultipleSelectionSeparator dependency property. |
  | PressedBrushProperty | Identifies the PressedBrush dependency property. |
  | ScrollBarStyleProperty | Identifies the ScrollBarStyle dependency property. |
  | SelectedBackgroundProperty | Identifies the SelectedBackground dependency property. |
  | SelectedIndexProperty | Identifies the SelectedIndex dependency property. |
  | SelectedItemProperty | Identifies the SelectedItem dependency property. |
  | SelectedValuePathProperty | Identifies the SelectedValuePath dependency property. |
  | SelectedValueProperty | Identifies the SelectedValue dependency property. |
  | SelectionBackgroundProperty | Identifies the SelectionBackground dependency property. |
  | SelectionForegroundProperty | Identifies the SelectionForeground dependency property. |
  | SelectionModeProperty | Identifies the SelectionMode dependency property. |
  | TextAlignmentProperty | Identifies the TextAlignment dependency property. |
  | TextProperty | Identifies the Text dependency property. |
  | ValidationDecoratorStyleProperty | Identifies the ValidationDecoratorStyle dependency property. |
  | WatermarkProperty | Identifies the Watermark dependency property. |