The following tables list the members exposed by TypeEx.
Public Methods
| Name | Description |
  | GetDefaultProperties | Get default property list of the specified types. |
  | GetDefaultPublicCtor | Returns default public instance parameter-less constructor for the specified type. |
  | GetEnumValues<T> | Returns the values of an Enum type (Type.IsEnum == true). |
  | GetIndexerProperties | Get indexed property list of the specified type. |
  | GetNonNullableType | Returns the underlying type of a nullable type: e.g. if Type = double?, then returns double. |
  | GetTypeInfo | |
  | IsNullableType | Returns true if the type is a nullable type. |
  | IsNumeric | Returns true if the type is any of the numeric data types: double, float, int, uint, long, ulong, short, ushort, sbyte, byte and decimal. |
  | IsNumericIntegral | Returns true if the type is any of the integral numeric data types: int, uint, long, ulong, short, ushort, sbyte and byte. |
  | IsNumericIntegralSigned | Returns true if the type is any of the integral signed numeric data types: int, long, short and sbyte. |
  | IsNumericIntegralUnsigned | Returns true if the type is any of the integral unsigned numeric data types: uint, ulong, ushort and byte. |
  | IsNumericNonIntegral | Returns true if the type is any of the numeric non-integral data types: double, float and decimal. |
  | New | Overloaded. Creates a new instance of this type using the default constructor. |
See Also