| Name | Description |
 | AxisLine | Gets or sets a value indicating whether to draw axis line. |
 | AxisType | Gets the axis type. |
 | Binding | Gets or sets the comma-separated property names for the DataSource property to use in axis labels. |
 | DependencyObjectType | (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject) |
 | Dispatcher | (Inherited from System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherObject) |
 | Format | Gets or set formatting string for axis labels. |
 | IsSealed | (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject) |
 | ItemsSource | Gets or sets the items source for the axis labels. |
 | LabelAlignment | Gets or sets the axis labels alignment. |
 | LabelAngle | Gets or sets the angle of rotation for axis labels. |
 | Labels | Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show axis labels. |
 | LogBase | Gets or sets the base for logarithmic axis. |
 | MajorGrid | Gets or set a value indicating whether to draw major grid. |
 | MajorGridStyle | Gets or sets the style of axis major grid. |
 | MajorTickMarks | Gets or sets a value indicating the appearance of major tick marks. |
 | MajorUnit | Gets or sets the distance betweem axis labels. |
 | Max | Gets or sets the axis maximum. |
 | Min | Gets or sets the axis minimum. |
 | MinorGrid | Gets or set a value indicating whether to draw minor grid. |
 | MinorGridStyle | Gets or sets the style of axis minor grid. |
 | MinorTickMarks | Gets or sets a value indicating the appearance of minor tick marks. |
 | MinorUnit | Gets or sets the distance between minor ticks and grid lines. |
 | Origin | Gets or sets the axis origin. |
 | OverlappingLabels | Gets or sets a value indicating how to handle the overlapping axis labels. |
 | PlotAreaName | Gets or sets the plot area name for the axis. |
 | Position | Gets or sets the axis position. |
 | Reversed | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the axis is reversed. |
 | Scrollbar | Gets or sets the axis scroll bar. |
 | Style | Gets or sets the axis style. |
 | Title | Gets or sets the axis title. |
 | TitleStyle | Gets or sets the axis title style. |