ActiveReports Developer 7
DDCells Class Members
See Also  Properties 
GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Export.Excel.v7 Assembly > GrapeCity.SpreadBuilder.Cells Namespace : DDCells Class

Glossary Item Box

The following tables list the members exposed by DDCells.

Public Properties

Public PropertyAlignmentSets the horizontal alignment value for all cells.  
Public PropertyBorderBottomColorSets the color of the bottom border.  
Public PropertyBorderBottomStyleSets the line style for the bottom portion of each cell's border.  
Public PropertyBorderDiagonalColorSets the color of the diagonal border.  
Public PropertyBorderDiagonalEnumSets whether a diagonal border goes up or down, or both (which forms an "X" accross the cell).  
Public PropertyBorderDiagonalStyleSets/gets the line style for the diagonal portion of each cell's border.  
Public PropertyBorderLeftColorSets the color of the left border.  
Public PropertyBorderLeftStyleSets the line style for the left portion of each cell's border.  
Public PropertyBorderRightColorSets the color of the right border.  
Public PropertyBorderRightStyleSets the line style for the right portion of each cell's border.  
Public PropertyBorderTopColorSets the color of the top border.  
Public PropertyBorderTopStyleSets the line style for the top portion of each cell's border.  
Public PropertyCountGets the number of cells contained in this collection  
Public PropertyFillColorSets the "fill color" ("background color") for each cell.  
Public PropertyFontBoldSets the bold property of the cell's font.  
Public PropertyFontItalicSets the italic property of the cell's font.  
Public PropertyFontNameSets the name of the font.  
Public PropertyFontSizeSets the size of the font in points. It will round the number size specified to the nearest half of a point.  
Public PropertyFontStrikeOutSets/gets the bold property of the cell's font.  
Public PropertyFontUnderlineStyleSets the underline style for the cell.  
Public PropertyForeColorSets the "fore color" ("text color") for each cell.  
Public PropertyNumberFormatSets an Excel style number format string.  
Public PropertyTextAngleSets the text rotation for each cell, in degrees: Values 0-90 is up 0-90 degrees, values 91-180 is down 1-90 degrees, and the value 255 is vertical.  
Public PropertyVertAlignmentSets vertical alignment value for all cells.  
Public PropertyWrapTextGets/sets whether the cell's text can be wrapped or not.  

See Also