ActiveReports Developer 7
ILayoutArea Interface Members
See Also  Properties  Methods 
GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Extensibility.v7 Assembly > GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Extensibility.Layout Namespace : ILayoutArea Interface

Glossary Item Box

The following tables list the members exposed by ILayoutArea.

Public Properties

 PropertyChildrenReturns the LayoutArea objects that are children of this object (if any).  
 PropertyChildrenListSpecifies the children items.  
 PropertyContentRangeSpecifies the range of content in this area.  
 PropertyIsFirstHorizontallyTrue if this is the first area horizontally.  
 PropertyIsFirstVerticallyTrue if this is the first area vertically. This functionality is available via IMeasurements  
 PropertyIsLastHorizontallyTrue if this is the last area horizontally.  
 PropertyIsLastVerticallyTrue if this is the last area vertically.  
 PropertyItemOverloaded. Specifies an item by its string identifier.  
 PropertyMetadataDictionarySpecifies optional master (root) metadata dictionary associated with this layout area.  
 PropertyNameSpecifies area component item name (for debugging purposes).  
 PropertyPageSpecifies LayoutTree page that hosts this LayoutArea.  
 PropertyParentParent LayoutArea, if any.  
 PropertyReportItemReturns the ReportItem.  
 PropertySortedChildrenGet an enumerable sub-areas according to their ZIndex and left-top coordinate  

Public Methods

 MethodHitTestTries to find area corresponding to the specifed point.  

See Also