ActiveReports Developer 7
IDataRegion Interface Members
See Also  Properties 
GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Extensibility.v7 Assembly > GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Extensibility.Rendering.Components Namespace : IDataRegion Interface

Glossary Item Box

The following tables list the members exposed by IDataRegion.

Public Properties

 PropertyDataSetNameSpecifies which data set to use for this data region.  
 PropertyKeepTogetherIndicates the entire data region should be kept together on one page if possible.  
 PropertyNoRowsIndicates if the DataRegion has no rows available.  
 PropertyNoRowsMessageMessage to display in the DataRegion when no rows of data are available.  
 PropertyNoRowsTextBoxReturns a renderable textbox suitable for displaying NoRowsMessage for this instance.Returns a renderable textbox suitable for displaying NoRowsMessage for this instance.  
 PropertyOverflowNameOverflow name  
 PropertyPageBreakAtEndIndicates the report should page break at the end of the data region.  
 PropertyPageBreakAtStartIndicates the report should page break at the start of the data region.  

See Also