ActiveReports Developer 7
IStyle Interface Members
See Also  Properties 
GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Extensibility.v7 Assembly > GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Extensibility.Rendering.Components Namespace : IStyle Interface

Glossary Item Box

The following tables list the members exposed by IStyle.

Public Properties

 PropertyBackgroundColorSpecifies color of the background  
 PropertyBackgroundGradientEndColorSpecifies the secondary color for gradient fill.  
 PropertyBackgroundGradientTypeSpecifies the gradient type of the background.  
 PropertyBackgroundImageReturns a stream with background image for this report item  
 PropertyBackgroundImageMimeTypeIdentifies the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) type of the background image.  
 PropertyBackgroundImageSourceSpecifies the default width of the border of the item.  
 PropertyBackgroundImageValueSpecifies a background image value for this report item  
 PropertyBackgroundRepeatSpecifies the repeat style of the background.  
 PropertyBottomBorderColorDescribes the color of the bottom border of the item.  
 PropertyBottomBorderStyleSpecifies the style of the bottom border of the item.  
Specifies the width of the bottom border of the item.
 PropertyCalendarSpecifies calendar to use to format dates.  
 PropertyCharacterSpacingChar spacing  
 PropertyColorSpecifies the foreground color of the item.  
 PropertyDefaultBorderColorSpecifies a default color of the border.  
 PropertyDefaultBorderStyleSpecifies the default style of the border of the item.  
 PropertyDefaultBorderWidthSpecifies the default width of the border of the item.  
 PropertyDirectionSpecifies the direction of text.  
 PropertyFontFamilyContains the name of the font for the item  
 PropertyFontSizeIndicates the size of the font for the item.  
 PropertyFontStyleIndicates the style of the font for the item.  
 PropertyFontWeightIndicates the thickness of the font for the item.  
 PropertyFormatContains the Microsoft® .NET Framework formatting string for the item.  
 PropertyLanguageIndicates the primary language of the text.  
 PropertyLeftBorderColorSpecifies the default width of the border of the item.  
 PropertyLeftBorderStyleDescribes the style of the left border of the item.  
 PropertyLeftBorderWidthDescribes the width of the left border of the item.  
 PropertyLineHeightDescribes the height of a line of text.  
 PropertyLineSpacingLine spacing  
 PropertyNumeralLanguageSpecifies digit format as described by its primary language.  
 PropertyNumeralVariantSpecifies the variant of the digit format to use.  
 PropertyPaddingBottomSpecifies the amount of padding below the item.  
 PropertyPaddingLeftSpecifies the amount of padding to the left of the item.  
 PropertyPaddingRightSpecifies the amount of padding to the right of the item.  
 PropertyPaddingTopSpecifies the amount of padding above the item.  
 PropertyRightBorderColorDescribes the color of the right border of the item.  
 PropertyRightBorderStyleDescribes the style of the right border of the item.  
 PropertyRightBorderWidthDescribes the width of the right border of the report.  
 PropertyTextAlignDescribes the horizontal alignment of the text of the item.  
 PropertyTextDecorationDescribes special text formatting for the item.  
 PropertyTopBorderColorDescribes the color of the top border of the item.  
 PropertyTopBorderStyleDescribes the style of the top border of the item.  
 PropertyTopBorderWidthDescribes the height of the top border of the item.  
 PropertyVerticalAlignDescribes the vertical alignment of the text of the item.  
 PropertyWrapModeWrap mode  
 PropertyWritingModeIndicates whether the text is written horizontally or vertically.  

See Also