ActiveReports Developer 7
FlashViewerOptions Class Members
See Also  Properties 
GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Web.v7 Assembly > GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Web.ExportOptions Namespace : FlashViewerOptions Class

Glossary Item Box

The following tables list the members exposed by FlashViewerOptions.

Public Properties

Public PropertyDisplayTransparencyGets or sets a value indicating whether to render transparent objects in a way that is suitable for printing.  
Public PropertyHyperLinkBackColorGets or sets the background color of the controls that host a hyperlink. The default value is transparent.   
Public PropertyHyperLinkForeColorGets or sets the color of the text within a control that hosts a hyperlink. The default color is Blue.  
Public PropertyHyperLinkUnderlineGets or sets a value determining whether the text in a control that hosts a hyperlink is underlined. The default value is true.   
Public PropertyMultiPageViewColumnsGets or sets the amount of columns to display in the Multiple page view type. The number of columns cannot be greater than 6 and less than 1.  
Public PropertyMultiPageViewRowsGets or sets the amount of rows to display in the Multiple page view type. The number of rows cannot be greater than 5 and less than 1.  
Public PropertyPageNumberGets or sets the number of the page to display initially in the FlashViewer.  
Public PropertyPrintOptionsGets or sets the printing options to use in the FlashViewer.  
Public PropertyResourceLocaleGets or sets the resource locale to use in the FlashViewer.  
Public PropertyResourceUrlGets or sets a relative URL value that specifies the location of the ActiveReports.FlashViewer.Resources.swf file that contains localized resources.  
Public PropertySearchResultsBackColorGets or sets the background color of the highlighted text when using the WebViewer control's Find dialog. The default color is Blue.   
Public PropertySearchResultsForeColorGets or sets the color of the highlighted text when using the WebViewer control's Find dialog. The default color is White.  
Public PropertyShowSplitterGets or sets a value indicating whether to include a splitter that allows the user to display the report in two sections.  
Public PropertyThemeUrlGets or sets a value specifying the relative URL of a skin to use on the FlashViewer.  
Public PropertyTocPanelOptionsGets or sets the FlashViewer table of contents pane settings.  
Public PropertyUrlGets or sets a relative URL value that specifies the location of the ActiveReports.FlashViewer.swf file that contains the FlashViewer object.  
Public PropertyUseClientApiGets or sets whether to use the client API in the FlashViewer.  
Public PropertyViewTypeGets or sets the view type of the FlashViewer.  
Public PropertyWindowModeSets the Window Mode property of the Flash Viewer control for transparency, layering, and positioning in the browser.  
Public PropertyZoomGets or sets a value that specifies the zoom level at which to display the report.  

See Also