In section reports, the Picture control is used to print an image on the report. In the Image property of the Picture control, you can select any image file to display on your report.
![]() |
Note: Use the PictureAlignment and SizeMode properties to control cropping and alignment. |
Property | Description |
LineColor | Gets or sets the border line color around the Picture control. |
LineStyle | Gets or sets the pen style used to paint the border around the Picture control. |
LineWeight | Gets or sets the pen width of the border line in pixels. |
PictureAlignment | Gets or sets the position of the image within the control area. |
Description | Gets or sets the alternate description for the picture. Used in the Html Export for the "alt" img tag property. |
HyperLink | Gets or sets a URL address that can be used in the viewer's Hyperlink event to navigate to the specified location. The URL is automatically converted into an anchor tag or a hyperlink in HTML and PDF exports. |
Image | Gets or sets the image to print. |
SizeMode | Gets or sets a value that determines how the image is sized to fit the Picture control area. |
Picture Dialog
With the control selected on the report, in the Commands section at the bottom of the Properties window, you can click the Property dialog command to open the dialog.
Name: Enter a name for the picture control that is unique within the report. This name is displayed in the Document Outline and in XML exports.
Tag: Enter a string that you want to persist with the control. If you access this property in code, it is an object, but in the Properties window or Property dialog, it is a string.
Visible: Clear this check box to hide the control.
DataField: Select a field from the data source to bind to the control.
Choose image: Click this button open a dialog where you can navigate to a folder from which to select an image file to display.
HyperLink: Enter a URL to use in the Viewer HyperLink event. The URL automatically converts to an anchor tag or hyperlink in PDF and HTML exports.
Title: Enter static text for the picture.
Description: Enter text to describe the image for those who cannot see it. This is used in the HTML export for the "alt" attribute of the img tag.
Line style: Select a line style to use for the border line. You can set it to Transparent, Solid, Dash, Dot, DashDot, or DashDotDot.
Line weight: Enter the width in pixels for the border line.
Line color: Select a color to use for the border line.
Background color: Select a color to use for the background of the picture control.
Picture alignment: Select how to align the image within the control. You can select from TopLeft, TopRight, Center, BottomLeft, or BottomRight.
Size mode: Select how to size the image within the control. You can select from Clip, Stretch, or Zoom. Clip uses the original image size and clips off any excess, Stretch fits the image to the size and shape of the control, and Zoom fits the image into the control while maintaining the aspect ratio of the original image.