ActiveReports Developer 7
Xml Data Provider
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ActiveReports Developer 7 > ActiveReports Developer Guide > Samples and Walkthroughs > Samples > Page Report > CPL Samples > API > Xml Data Provider

Glossary Item Box

The XML Data Provider sample demonstrates how to use the XML data provider for supplying data to the report.

ShowSample Location

ShowVisual Basic.NET

<User Folder>\ComponentOne Samples\ActiveReports Developer 7\Page Reports\CPL\API\VB.NET\XmlDataProvider


<User Folder>\ComponentOne Samples\ActiveReports Developer 7\Page Reports\CPL\API\C#\XmlDataProvider

ShowRuntime Features

When you run this sample, you will see the MainForm appear. The MainForm contains the ActiveReports Viewer that displays a report with data from the xml data provider.

ShowProject Details


This is the main report that gets displayed in the Viewer at runtime. It uses the BandedList and Textbox controls, and the Subreport control inside the BandedList data region to display data.

The BandedList data region uses two groups to group the report data by the fields City and Country.

The Subreport control, placed in the GroupFooter section of the BandedList, displays the CountrySales report.


This is the report that gets displayed by the Subreport control of the BandedListXML report.

It uses the Chart data region to display data. The Chart Type property is set to Doughnut (Pie Exploded Doughnut), which shows the analysis of companies sales amount for different countries.


This is the internal class file that contains code to provide data for the reports in this sample.


This is the main form that appears when you run this sample. It uses the ActiveReports Viewer control to display the report at runtime.

Right-click the form and select View Code to see how to set different properties of the Viewer control and the form. It also contains code to load and show the report at runtime.


This XML file is a database that contains data that is fetched by the DataLayer class for supplying it to the reports.

See Also

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