Connecting to a Database Using Default Settings
The following instructions describe how to set up data binding using the fpSpread ADO ActiveX control in Visual Basic 6.0 using the Jet 4.0 OLE DB provider. For more information about ADO, using our products and ADO, and instructions for setting up other types of data binding using ADO, consult the Web site at
Note: If the bound cells are edit cells, be aware that the default setting of the TypeMaxEditLen property is 60 characters. You must reset the TypeMaxEditLen property to 255 characters in response to the DataColConfig event to accommodate a text field in the bound database. |
When you bind a sheet to a database using the fpSpread control's default settings, the control automatically loads the database into the sheet and configures the sheet based on the data in the database. That is, the fields in the database table are assigned sequentially to sheet columns, the field names are displayed as the column headers, the columns are sized based on the data in the bound fields, and the cells in each column are assigned cell types based on the data in the bound fields.
You can override any of this default behavior in the fpSpread control, as described in
- Displaying Selected Fields in Columns
- Customizing Headers for Bound Sheets
- Sizing Columns in Bound Sheets
- Assigning Cell Types for Bound Sheets