ActiveX Events
- Standard Visual Basic Events Supported by the fpSpread Control
- Standard Visual Basic Events Supported by the fpSpreadPreview Control
- Advance
- AfterUserSort
- BeforeColMove
- BeforeEditMode
- BeforeRowMove
- BeforeScrollTip
- BeforeUserSort
- BlockSelected
- ButtonClicked
- Change
- CircularFormula
- Click
- ColWidthChange
- ComboCloseUp
- ComboDropDown
- ComboSelChange
- CTCancelEditing
- CTCreateEditorControl
- CTCreateRendererControl
- CTGetEditorValue
- CTGetPreferredSize
- CTGetReservedCursor
- CTInitializeControl
- CTIsReservedKey
- CTIsReservedLocation
- CTIsValid
- CTPaintCell
- CTSetValue
- CTStartEditing
- CTStopEditing
- CTStringFormat
- CTStringUnFormat
- CustomFunction
- DataColConfig
- DataFill
- DataLoaded
- DblClick
- DragDrop
- DragDropBlock
- DragOver
- DrawItem
- EditChange
- EditError
- EditMode
- EnterRow
- GotFocus
- KeyDown
- KeyPress
- KeyUp
- LeaveCell
- LeaveRow
- LostFocus
- MouseDown
- MouseMove
- MouseUp
- OLECompleteDrag
- OLEDragDrop
- OLEDragOver
- OLEGiveFeedback
- OLESetData
- OLEStartDrag
- PageChange
- PrintAbort
- PrintMsgBox
- QueryAdvance
- QueryData
- RightClick
- RowHeightChange
- ScriptBeforeUserSort
- ScriptCustomFunction
- ScriptDataFill
- ScriptDragDropBlock
- ScriptKeyDown
- ScriptKeyPress
- ScriptKeyUp
- ScriptLeaveCell
- ScriptLeaveRow
- ScriptOLECompleteDrag
- ScriptOLEDragDrop
- ScriptOLEDragOver
- ScriptOLEGiveFeedback
- ScriptOLEStartDrag
- ScriptPrintAbort
- ScriptPrintMsgBox
- ScriptQueryAdvance
- ScriptQueryData
- ScriptTextTipFetch
- SelChange
- SheetChanged
- SheetChanging
- SelChange
- TabScrolled
- TabScrolling
- TextTipFetch
- TopLeftChange
- UserFormulaEntered
- Validate
- VirtualClearData
- Zoom