Spread 8.0 Documentation
EditError Event
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ActiveX Reference > ActiveX Events > EditError Event

Glossary Item Box

EditError Event

See Also

Applies To

fpSpread control


Occurs when the user performs an invalid input operation.



afx_msg void OnEditErrorfpSpread(UINT, int, CWnd*, LPVOID);

Visual Basic

Sub fpSpread_EditError(ByVal Col As Long, ByVal Row As Long, ByVal EditError As Integer)


The following parameters are available:

Parameter Description
Col Column number of cell with error
Row Row number of cell with error
EditError Error that occurred
One of the following codes:
Error Code Description
1 User attempted to interact with a locked cell
2 User attempted to move the focus to a restricted column
3 User attempted to move the focus to a restricted row
4 User attempted to move the focus to a cell that is located in both a restricted row and column
5 User typed invalid data into a cell
(The event is sent when the user leaves the cell.)
9 User attempted to type in a check box cell
100 An error occurred during a BeginUpdate-Add function call to the Data Access Object
101 An error occurred during a BeginUpdate-Edit function call to the Data Access Object
102 An error occurred during a Delete function call to the Data Access Object
103 An error occurred during a SetColumn function call to the Data Access Object
104 An error occurred during an Update function call to the Data Access Object
105 An invalid value was found in the data before it was written to the database
106 User deleted a row; therefore, the current row is no longer valid
107 A block of memory could not be allocated
108 Current operation is not supported in Visual Basic 4.0
109 Current row could not be updated due to insufficient access privileges
110 User attempted to update a row that has not been updated in the database
(To resolve this error, refresh the database.)
111 User attempted to move to a row that did not exist
112 Database operation failed


Use the SheetSendingEvent property if you want to return the sheet for which this event occured.

See Also

DataColCnt, DataRowCnt, EditEnterAction, EditMode, EditModePermanent, EditModeReplace, Lock, Protect, RestrictCols, RestrictRows, SheetSendingEvent properties

EditChange, EditMode events

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