Spread 8.0 Documentation
SSAddMultiSelBlocks Function
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SSAddMultiSelBlocks Function

See Also    ActiveX

Applies To

fpSpread DLL control


Selects multiple blocks of cells.



BOOL SSAddMultiSelBlocks(HWND hWnd, LPSS_SELBLOCK lpSelBlock);


BOOL TSpread::AddMultiSelBlocks(LPSS_SELBLOCK lpSelBlock);


This function has the following parameters:

Parameter Description
hWnd Window handle of the fpSpread control
lpSelBlock Pointer to block of cells to select


This function is applied to the current sheet setting unless you first call the SSSetSheet function to specify the sheet for which you are calling this function.

Call the SSSetBool function and set the value for the SSB_ALLOWMULTIBLOCKS boolean to True to let the user select multiple blocks of cells. Use this function to add additional blocks of selected cells. The additional blocks can be contiguous with, overlap, or be separate from existing selected blocks.

This function has an effect only when the sheet is in normal operation mode. Specify the sheet's operation mode by calling the SSSetOperationMode function.

Return Value

TRUE if the function completes successfully; FALSE otherwise.

See Also

Selecting Multiple Blocks of Cells

SSGetOperationMode, SSSetBool, SSSetOperationMode, SSSetSheet functions

ActiveX Correspondence

AddSelection, SetSelection methods

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