SetCellBorder Method
Applies To
fpSpread control
Sets the color and style of the border around a cell.
void CSpreadSheet::SetCellBorder(long lCol, long lRow, long lCol2, long lRow2, long nIndex, unsigned long crColor, long nStyle);
fpSpread1.SetCellBorder(ByVal lCol As Long, ByVal lRow As Long, ByVal lCol2 As Long, ByVal lRow2 As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long, ByVal crColor As OLE_COLOR, ByVal nStyle As CellBorderStyleConstants)
The following parameters are available:
Parameter | Description | ||
lCol | Column coordinate of the first (or only) cell | ||
lRow | Row coordinate of the first (or only) cell | ||
lCol2 | Column coordinate of the last (or only) cell | ||
lRow2 | Row coordinate of the last (or only) cell | ||
nIndex | Part of cell border to customize You can combine values 1 (Left), 2 (Top), 4 (Right), and 8 (Bottom) using the OR operator. |
Value | Constant | Description | |
0 | (not available) | None | |
1 | CellBorderIndexLeft | Left side of cell | |
2 | CellBorderIndexRight | Right side of cell | |
4 | CellBorderIndexTop | Top of cell | |
8 | CellBorderIndexBottom | Bottom of cell | |
15 | (not available) | All sides of the cell | |
16 | CellBorderIndexOutline | Outline of the cell range | |
crColor | Border color Value can be SPRD_COLOR_DEFAULT (–1), which specifies the default color. |
nStyle | Border style (see Remarks for illustration of styles) Use one of the following values: |
Value | Constant | Description | |
0 | CellBorderStyleDefault | No border Displays the default grid |
1 | CellBorderStyleSolid | Solid border | |
2 | CellBorderStyleDash | Dash border | |
3 | CellBorderStyleDot | Dot border | |
4 | CellBorderStyleDashDot | Dash dot border | |
5 | CellBorderStyleDashDotDot | Dash dot dot border | |
6 | CellBorderStyleBlank | Erases border and grid | |
11 | CellBorderStyleFineSolid | Fine solid border | |
12 | CellBorderStyleFineDash | Fine dash border | |
13 | CellBorderStyleFineDot | Fine dot border | |
14 | CellBorderStyleFineDashDot | Fine dash dot border | |
15 | CellBorderStyleFineDashDotDot | Fine dash dot dot border |
To set the cell border color or style for a cell, first specify the side for which you want to set the style by setting the Index parameter.
This method is called for the current sheet setting unless you first set the Sheet property to specify the sheet with which you want to work.
To specify a range of cells around which to set a border, set the Col and Row parameters to indicate the upper left cell in the range, set the Col2 and Row2 parameters to indicate the lower right cell in the range, and set the Index parameter to 16 (CellBorderIndexOutline).
To specify a single cell around which to set a border, set the Col and Col2 parameters to indicate the column for the cell, and set the Row and Row2 parameters to indicate the row for the cell.
Use the GetCellBorder method to return the border colors and styles of each side of a cell.
The following table illustrates the twelve available border styles:
Return Type
See Also
Sheet property
GetCellBorder method
DLL Correspondence
SSSetBorder, SSSetBorderRange functions