Spread 8.0 Documentation
SetColItemData Method
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SetColItemData Method

See Also    DLL    Example

Applies To

fpSpread control


Sets the item data associated with the specified column.



void CSpreadSheet::SetColItemData (long Col, long Value);

Visual Basic

fpSpread.SetColItemData(ByVal Col As Long, ByVal Value As Long)


The following parameters are available:

Parameter Description
Col Column number of column that contains the item data
You cannot use –1 to specify all columns.
Value Item data


The item data is a value retrieved by the application using the GetColItemData method. This value is only for the application's use; the control does not use this value.

This method is called for the current sheet setting unless you first set the Sheet property to specify the sheet with which you want to work.

This method allows an application to associate a specific number with each column. This method is similar to the Visual Basic ItemData property.

Return Type


See Also

CellTag, Sheet properties

GetColItemData, GetItemData, GetRowItemData, SetItemData, SetRowItemData methods

DLL Correspondence

SSSetColUserData function

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