Spread 8.0 Documentation
SSVGetStyle, SSVSetStyle Functions
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SSVGetStyle, SSVSetStyle Functions

See Also    ActiveX

Applies To

fpSpread DLL control


Set or return the virtual mode style for the sheet.



LONG SSVGetStyle(HWND hWnd);

LONG SSVSetStyle(HWND hWnd, LONG lStyle);


LONG TSpread::VGetStyle(void);

LONG TSpread::VSetStyle(LONG lStyle);


The SSVGetStyle function has the following parameter:

Parameter Description
hWnd Window handle of the fpSpread control

The SSVSetStyle function has the following parameters:

Parameter Description
hWnd Window handle of the fpSpread control
lStyle Virtual mode style to set
Can be any combination of the following:
Constant Description
SSV_SCROLLBARSHOWBUFFER Scroll bar reflects the number of rows in the virtual buffer
(If this style is not used, the scroll bar reflects the total number of rows.)
SSV_NOROWNUMBERS Row numbers are not displayed in the row header


This function is applied to the current sheet setting unless you first call the SSSetSheet function to specify the sheet for which you are calling this function.

Return Value

SSVGetStyle: Current virtual mode style. This value can be any combination of the values listed for the SSVSetStyle function lStyle parameter.
SSVSetStyle: Previous virtual mode style.

See Also

Customizing Virtual Mode

SSSetSheet, SSVScrollGetSpecial, SSVScrollSetSpecial functions

ActiveX Correspondence

VirtualScrollBuffer property

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