SpvGethWndSpread, SpvSethWndSpread Functions
Applies To
fpSpreadPreview DLL control
Set or return the window handle of the fpSpread control you want to preview.
int SpvGethWndSpread(HWND hPreview, HWND FAR *lphSpread);
int SpvSethWndSpread(HWND hPreview, HWND hSpread);
HWND TPreview::GethWndSpread(void);
int TPreview::SethWndSpread(HWND value);
The SpvGethWndSpread function has the following parameters:
Parameter | Description |
hPreview | Window handle of the fpSpreadPreview control |
lphSpread | Pointer to variable that receives the window handle of the fpSpread control |
The SpvSethWndSpread function has the following parameters:
Parameter | Description |
hPreview | Window handle of the fpSpreadPreview control |
hSpread | Window handle of the fpSpread control |
Set this function equal to the window handle for the fpSpread control that you want to preview.
You can call this function to refresh the previewed sheet to reflect changes the user has made.
Return Value
SpvGethWndSpread: For C users, 1 if the function completes successfully; 0 otherwise. For C++ users, the setting for the function.
SpvSethWndSpread: 1 if the function completes successfully; 0 otherwise.
ActiveX Correspondence
hWndSpread property