Spread 8.0 Documentation
SpvGetPageBorderWidth, SpvSetPageBorderWidth Functions
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SpvGetPageBorderWidth, SpvSetPageBorderWidth Functions

See Also    ActiveX

Applies To

fpSpreadPreview DLL control


Set or return the border width of the displayed pages.



int SpvGetPageBorderWidth(HWND hWnd, short FAR *lpValue);

int SpvSetPageBorderWidth(HWND hWnd, short value);


short TPreview::GetPageBorderWidth(void);

int TPreview::SetPageBorderWidth(short value);


The SpvGetPageBorderWidth function has the following parameters:

Parameter Description
hWnd Window handle of the fpSpreadPreview control
lpValue Pointer to variable that receives the border width

The SpvSetPageBorderWidth function has the following parameters:

Parameter Description
hWnd Window handle of the fpSpreadPreview control
value Border width of the displayed pages


The default border width is 2 pixels.

Call the SpvSetPageBorderColor and SpvSetPageBorderWidth functions to change the color and width of the border around the displayed pages. Call the SpvSetPageShadowColor and SpvSetPageShadowWidth functions to change the color and width of the shadow behind the displayed pages.

Return Value

SpvGetPageBorderWidth: For C users, 1 if the function completes successfully; 0 otherwise. For C++ users, the setting for the function.
SpvSetPageBorderWidth: 1 if the function completes successfully; 0 otherwise.

See Also

SpvGetPageBorderColor, SpvSetPageBorderColor, SpvSetPageShadowColor, SpvSetPageShadowWidth functions

ActiveX Correspondence

PageBorderWidth property

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