Spread 8.0 Documentation
SpvGetPageViewPercentage, SpvSetPageViewPercentage Functions
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SpvGetPageViewPercentage, SpvSetPageViewPercentage Functions

See Also    ActiveX

Applies To

fpSpreadPreview DLL control


Sets or returns the size of the displayed pages as a percentage if the view type is set to percentage.



int SpvGetPageViewPercentage(HWND hWnd, short FAR *lpValue);

int SpvSetPageViewPercentage(HWND hWnd, short value);


short TPreview::GetPageViewPercentage(void);

int TPreview::SetPageViewPercentage(short value);


The SpvGetPageViewPercentage function has the following parameters:

Parameter Description
hWnd Window handle of the fpSpreadPreview control
lpValue Pointer to variable that receives the percentage size

The SpvSetPageViewPercentage function has the following parameters:

Parameter Description
hWnd Window handle of the fpSpreadPreview control
value Percentage size of displayed pages


By default, the page view percentage is 100 percent. The minimum value of the value parameter is 1. If you enter a decimal value for the value parameter, the value will be rounded to the nearest integer.

Calling this function does not have an effect unless you have called the SpvSetPageViewType function and set the value parameter to SPV_VIEWTYPE_PERCENTAGE.

Return Value

SpvGetPageViewPercentage: For C users, 1 if the function completes successfully; 0 otherwise. For C++ users, the setting for the function.
SpvSetPageViewPercentage: 1 if the function completes successfully; 0 otherwise.

See Also

SpvSetPageViewType function

ActiveX Correspondence

PageViewPercentage property

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