Spread 8.0 Documentation
SSGetTextTip, SSSetTextTip Functions
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SSGetTextTip, SSSetTextTip Functions

See Also    ActiveX

Applies To

fpSpread DLL control


Specify whether to display text tips and cell notes and the location and the appearance of the tips and notes.



BOOL SSGetTextTip(HWND hWnd, LPWORD lpwStatus, LPLONG lplDelay, LPLOGFONT lpLogFont, LPCOLORREF lpclrBack, LPCOLORREF lpclrFore);

BOOL SSSetTextTip(HWND hWnd, WORD wStatus, LONG lDelay, LPLOGFONT lpLogFont, COLORREF clrBack, COLORREF clrFore);


BOOL TSpread::GetTextTip(LPWORD lpwStatus, LPLONG lplDelay, LPLOGFONT lpLogFont, LPCOLORREF lpclrBack, LPCOLORREF lpclrFore);

BOOL TSpread::SetTextTip(WORD wStatus, LONG lDelay, LPLOGFONT lpLogFont, COLORREF clrBack, COLORREF clrFore);


The SSGetTextTip function has the following parameters:

Parameter Description
hWnd Window handle of the fpSpread control
lpwStatus Specifies whether the text tip or cell note is displayed and its location
lplDelay Number of milliseconds control delays before displaying text tip
Note: Does not apply for cell notes.
lpLogFont Pointer to LogFont structure with font specification
lpclrBack Background color
lpclrFore Foreground color

The SSSetTextTip function has the following parameters:

Parameter Description
hWnd Window handle of the fpSpread control
wStatus Specifies whether the text tip or cell note is displayed and its location
Use one of the following values:
Constant Description
SS_TT_STATUS_OFF Control does not display text tips or cell notes
SS_TT_STATUS_FIXED Control displays text tips and cell notes and aligns them to the header's or cell's rectangle, whether the control has the focus or not
SS_TT_STATUS_FLOATING Control displays text tips and cell notes and aligns them to the pointer, whether the control has the focus or not
SS_TT_STATUS_FIXEDFOCUSONLY When the control has the focus, control displays text tips and cell notes and aligns them to the header's or cell's rectangle
SS_TT_STATUS_FLOATINGFOCUSONLY When the control has the focus, control displays text tips and cell notes and aligns them to the pointer
lDelay Number of milliseconds control delays before displaying text tip
Note: Does not apply to cell notes.
lpLogFont Pointer to LogFont structure with font specification
clrBack Background color
clrFore Foreground (text) color


This function is applied to the entire workbook, including all sheets in the control.

Text tips are automatically displayed for cells that have more data in the cell than can be displayed when the wStatus parameter is set to a value other than SS_TT_STATUS_OFF. Cell notes are displayed for cells or headers in the control when the pointer is over a cell note indicator, a red square in the upper right corner of the cell.

Note: The DLL control uses the Windows ToolTip colors as the default colors for the background and text.

Whether the control displays a text tip or not, the control sends the SSM_TEXTTIPFETCH message when the pointer is over the cell or header longer than the time specified by the lDelay parameter. For cell notes, the SSSetCellNoteIndicator function determines whether the control sends the SSM_TEXTTIPFETCH message when the pointer is over a cell note indicator.

Respond to the SSM_TEXTTIPFETCH message using the SS_TEXTTIPFETCH structure to configure text tips and cell notes, to display text tips for headers or cells for which text tips would not automatically be displayed, or to not have a text tip or cell note display.

If you choose to display text tips and cell notes in the fpSpread control, you can call the SSIsFetchCellNote function to determine whether the SSM_TEXTTIPFETCH message is sent for a text tip or a cell note and to show and modify text tips and cell notes accordingly.

Return Value

TRUE if the function completes successfully; FALSE otherwise.

See Also

Displaying Text Tips
Providing Cell Notes



SSIsFetchCellNote, SSSetCellNote, SSSetCellNoteIndicator functions

ActiveX Correspondence

SSGetTextTip/SSSetTextTip: TextTip, TextTipDelay properties and GetTextTipAppearance, SetTextTipAppearance methods

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