Spread Windows Forms 6.0 Product Documentation
StickyNoteStyleInfo Class Members
See Also  Properties  Methods  Support Options
FarPoint.Win.Spread Assembly > FarPoint.Win.Spread.DrawingSpace Namespace : StickyNoteStyleInfo Class

Glossary Item Box

The following tables list the members exposed by StickyNoteStyleInfo.

Public Constructors

Public Properties

Public PropertyAlignHorzGets or sets the horizontal alignment of the contents for the cell note.  
Public PropertyAlignVertGets or sets the vertical alignment of the contents for the cell note.  
Public PropertyMarginBottomGets or sets the margin between the bottom of the cell note and its contents.  
Public PropertyMarginLeftGets or sets the margin between the left of the cell note and its contents.  
Public PropertyMarginRightGets or sets the margin between the right of the cell note and its contents.  
Public PropertyMarginTopGets or sets the margin between the top of the cell note and its contents.  

Public Methods

Public MethodIsAlignHorzSetDetermines whether the horizontal alignment of the contents for the cell note is set.  
Public MethodIsAlignVertSetDetermines whether the vertical alignment of the contents for the cell note is set.  
Public MethodIsMarginBottomSetDetermines whether the margin between the bottom of the cell note and its contents is set.  
Public MethodIsMarginLeftSetDetermines whether the margin between the left of the cell note and its contents is set.  
Public MethodIsMarginRightSetDetermines whether the margin between the right of the cell note and its contents is set.  
Public MethodIsMarginTopSetDetermines whether the margin between the top of the cell note and its contents is set.  
Public MethodResetOverridden. Resets all properties to default state.  

See Also

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