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Spread Windows Forms 6.0 Product Documentation > Spread Designer Guide > Spread Designer User Interface > Spread Designer Menus > Settings Menu

Glossary Item Box

Starting with version 5, the Format menu of the designer has been replaced by the Data and Settings menus.

The Settings menu gives you the ability to set properties of an entire spreadsheet, or rows or columns if either is selected, or individual cells or a range of cells. From here you can launch the settings dialog boxes or change the height of rows or width of columns. For information on the dialog boxes, refer to Spread Designer Dialogs.

Settings Menu

The Data menu allows you to create groups (outline grouping) or sort data.

The Settings menu options are grouped under Spread Settings, Sheet Settings, Appearance Settings, Other Settings, and Designer Settings. The options are explained in the table below.

Settings Options


Spread Settings

Spread Settings

When an entire Spread is selected, this allows you to customize properties of the FpSpread component. For more information, refer to Getting Started Designing and Spread Settings Dialog.

Sheet Settings


When a sheet is selected, this allows you to customize properties of the active sheet. For more information, refer to Adding and Customizing Sheets and Sheet Settings Dialog.

Appearance Settings

TabStrip Editor

This allows you to customize the tab strip. For more information, refer to the TabStrip Editor

Focus Indicator Editor

This allows you to customize the appearance of the focus indicator. For more information, refer to the Focus Indicator Editor

Style Editor

This allows you to customize the style. For more information, refer to the Named Style Editor

Spread Skin Editor

This allows you to create a skin for the Spread control. For more information, refer to the SpreadSkin Editor

Sheet Skin Editor

This allows you to create a skin for the sheet. For more information, refer to the SheetSkin Editor

Alternating Row Editor

This allows you to set properties for alternationg rows (such as backcolor). For more information, refer to the Alternating Row Collection Editor

Other Settings


When a cell or range of cells is selected, this allows you to customize properties of the selected cell or cells. For more information, refer to Setting Cell Properties in Spread Designer.


When a column or range of columns is selected, this allows you to customize properties of the selected column or columns. For more information, refer to Setting Column Properties in Spread Designer.


When a row or range of rows is selected, this allows you to customize properties of the selected row or row. For more information, refer to Setting Row Properties in Spread Designer.

Designer Settings

Save Split Bars on Apply

With this preference checked, Spread Designer applies the split bars and viewports to the spreadsheet. Otherwise the split bars would just used while in the Spread Designer and lost upon applying.

Auto-Launch Designer on New Instance of Spread

With this preference selected, the Spread Designer is automatically launched when a new instance of the Spread component is placed on a Windows Form.

Allow Designer DragFill

With this preference selected, drag fill works in the designer.

Show Start-Up Screen

With this preference selected, the start-up screen in Spread Designer is displayed each time Spread Designer is launched. With this option toggled, the Spread Designer does not display that initial screen when launched.

Select Context Menu Automatic With this preference selected, focus moves to the Drawing Tools or Chart Tools tab automatically if you insert a shape or a chart.
Show Property Grid If this preference is not selected, the property grid is not visible. Unchecking this option makes the designer faster.

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