Spread Windows Forms 7.0 Product Documentation
Customizing Interaction Based on Events
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Spread Windows Forms 7.0 Product Documentation > Developer's Guide > Customizing Sheet Interaction > Customizing Interaction with the Overall Component > Customizing Interaction Based on Events

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You can customize how the Spread component responds to user-initiated events. In the FpSpread class there are several events, from ButtonClicked to LeaveCell to SelectionChanged. Use these events that correspond to user actions to initiate responses. For a list of events in the component, refer to the FpSpread class members. For events available for the sheet, refer to the SheetView class members. For a list of events that can be used while in edit mode, refer to the FarPoint.Win.SuperEditBase class.

The FpSpread class is derived from the Control class that has the following properties that are relevant to our understanding of events in Spread:

The Text property and TextChanged event are used by simple controls that have a single Text attribute (for example, the TextBox control). The Spread component is a more complex control that consists of rows and columns of cells. Each cell has its own Text property. The Text property of the cell is separate from the Text property of the Spread component. Since the Spread component does not use the component’s Text property, the TextChange event is never raised.

The Click event is used by simple controls that have a single area (for example, the Button control). The Spread component is a more complex control that consists of rows and columns of cells. The Spread component raises a CellClick event instead of a Click event. The CellClick event contains more detailed information that the Click event.

The Enter event is raised when keyboard focus is moved for another control on the form to the Spread component.

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