ValidationDragDropBlock Event (SheetView)

Occurs when the user drags and drops a range of cells.
Public Event ValidationDragDropBlock As EventHandler(Of ValidationDragDropBlockEventArgs)
Dim instance As SheetView
Dim handler As EventHandler(Of ValidationDragDropBlockEventArgs)
AddHandler instance.ValidationDragDropBlock, handler
public event EventHandler<ValidationDragDropBlockEventArgs> ValidationDragDropBlock
Event Data

The event handler receives an argument of type ValidationDragDropBlockEventArgs containing data related to this event. The following ValidationDragDropBlockEventArgs properties provide information specific to this event.

ColumnCount Gets the column count of the cell range being dragged.  
Copy Gets whether the source range is copied.  
FromColumn Gets the column index of the top left cell of the source range (range being dragged).  
FromRow Gets the row index of the top left cell of the source range (range being dragged).  
Handle Gets or sets whether the event is handled.  
Insert Gets whether the source range is inserted.  
InvalidMessage Gets or sets the invalid message.  
IsInvalid Gets or sets whether the value is valid.  
RowCount Gets the row count of the cell range being dragged.  
ToColumn Gets the column index of the bottom right cell of the destination range (where selection is dropped).  
ToRow Gets the row index of the top left cell of the destination range (where selection is dropped).  

Target Platforms: Windows Server 2012, Windows RT

See Also


SheetView Class
SheetView Members



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