VisualStates Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by VisualStates.

Public Fields
Public FieldGroupActive The active state group.  
Public FieldGroupCommon The common state group.  
Public FieldGroupCurrent The current state group.  
Public FieldGroupFocus The focus state group.  
Public FieldGroupSelected The selection state group.  
Public FieldStateActive The active state.  
Public FieldStateCurrent The current state.  
Public FieldStateDisabled The disabled state.  
Public FieldStateFocused The focused state.  
Public FieldStateInactive The inactive state.  
Public FieldStateMouseOver The mouse over state.  
Public FieldStateNormal The normal state.  
Public FieldStatePressed The pressed state.  
Public FieldStateRegular The regular state.  
Public FieldStateSelected The selected state.  
Public FieldStateUnfocused The unfocused state.  
Public FieldStateUnselected The unselected state.  
See Also


VisualStates Class
GrapeCity.Xaml.SpreadSheet.UI Namespace



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