BarCode for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where C1BarCode did not render correct image when code type set as 128 and module size set as 1.
Bitmap for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug with image DPI in the Import(C1Bitmap) and CreateImage methods of C1Bitmap.
- Added the CreateImage method to C1Bitmap to create the internal image of the given size with uninitialized content.
- Added the Import(C1Bitmap) method for more efficiently copying the image between instances of C1Bitmap.
CalendarView for WinForms
Excel for .NET
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where an Exception was thrown when loading an Excel file by C1Excel.
- Fixed the issue where C1Excel replaced "@" symbol to new line"\n".
- Added support XLReferenceMode.R1C1 (and ReferenceMode property for C1XLBook) for C1Excel.
FlexChart for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where IndexOutOfRangeException was thrown by selecting slices when setting Inside/Outside to 'DataLabel.Position' , SelectionMode='Point' and SelectedItemPosition = 'Left'.
- Fixed the issue where multiple issues were observed when setting values to DataLabelPosition , Offset, SelectedItemOffset and 1 to InnerRadius.
- Fixed the issue where IndexOutOfRangeException was thrown by shrinking form size when DataLabelPosition was set to any position other than 'None'.
- Fixed the issue where LineMarker contents disappeared when toggling Visible property of LineMarker.
- Fixed the issue where 'IndexOutOfRangeException' was thrown when setting 'InnerRadius' to greater than '0' and 'DataLabelPosition' to 'Inside'/'Outside' in FlexPie.
- Fixed the issue where 'IndexOutOfRangeException' was thrown when setting 'InnerRadius' to '1' and 'DataLabelPosition' to 'Radial'/'Circular' in FlexPie.
- Fixed the issue where LineMarker with 'Drag' interaction moves with the pointer after pressing 'Window+D' keys while dragging LineMarker.
- Fixed the issue where series were not plotted correctly in Area/SplineArea chart when setting FlexChart's Rotated to true.
- Fixed the issue where large data value was drawn over legend with unsorted/ascending data being used and FunnelType set to 'Rectangle'.
- Fixed the issue where height of bars in BarChart was shortened when it included a long value for the "BindingX" parameter.
- Added axis binding.
- Added multiple plot areas.
- [FinancialChart] Added Fibonacci tools.
- [FinancialChart] Added Envelops and Bollinger Bands overlay series.
- [FinancialChart] Added MACD, Stochastic indicators.
- Added Box & Whisker series.
- Added ErrorBar series.
- [Sunburst] Provided a mechanism to display the percentage share of slices in the Sunburst chart data labels.
- Allowed to change the size of AxisScrollbar.
FlexGrid for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where BackGroundImage of Alternate style was not displayed for the cell [1,1] when setting VisualStyle to 'Office xxxx'.
- Fixed the issue where ChangeEdit event was raised for a cell with DataMap.
- Fixed the issue where grid did not work with negative cell values correctly.
- Fixed the issue where using BeginUpdate and EndUpdate methods added extra row while setting row count in C1FlexGrid.
- Fixed the issue where Scroll Event was fired when column width was changed in C1FlexGrid.
- Fixed the issue where FlexGrid did not scroll cell to view when BindingSource' changed.
- Fixed the issue where C1FlexGrid.Row was -1 when adding row by bindingSource.
- Fixed the issue where '-' symbol was ignored if it was input in the column that DataType was set as 'double'.
- Fixed the issue where AutoSizeRows method might change height of empty grid rows.
- Fixed the issue where text of first row was dimmed after setting "AllowAddNew=True" and setting cell checkbox.
- Fixed the issue where a part of the strings of the cell was dropped out, when TextAlign of the column was set besides "Left" and the font was set to "MS Gothic" and 12 point.
- Fixed the issue where scrolling lagged using vertical scrollbar in C1FlexGrid.
- Fixed the issue where custom FilterRow could not be edited.
- Fixed the issue where cell could not be edited, if any column other than the first column of the merged range was clicked.
- Fixed the issue where multiple checkboxes' values could not be changed, if multiple rows were selected with any column other than boolean.
- Fixed the issue where 'BuildString' method of C1FlexGrid's Style object ignored the 'WordWrap' information while storing the style into a string.
- Fixed the issue where a black block was displayed on the screen on higher resolutions when moving a table column.
- Fixed the issue where frozen columns behaved strangely when horizontal scroll bar was scrolled right to left.
- Fixed the issue where cell content might overlap with fixed merged cols.
- Fixed the issue where no rows were visible when ValueFilter were applied with FilterDefinition.
- Fixed the issue where specification of KeyChar property of KeyPressEditEventArgs class was changed.
- Fixed the issue where column editor settings got cleared in certain scenarios.
- Fixed the issue where EditMask set on one column worked for another.
- Fixed the issue where C1FlexGrid threw NullReference Exception when using Dispose method.
- Fixed the issue where width of TreeStyleFlags were not fit when using the "TreeStyleFlags" in C1FlexGrid.
- Fixed the issue where C1FlexGrid displayed all the rows when manually assigning FilterDefinition with 'Equals' numeric filter that was set to nothing.
- Fixed the issue where multiline text containing line feeds lost top alignment in the grid.
- Fixed the issue where C1SearchPanel searched data was not highlighted when C1FlexGrid was placed on C1Ribbon Form.
- Fixed the issue where column header when clicked took time to select data in C1FlexGrid.
- Fixed the issue where C1flexgrid pasted result was not correct with sort.
- Fixed the issue where AutoSizeCols method threw exception when Rows.Count was set to 0 in C1FlexGrid.
- [FlexGridSearchPanel] Fixed the issue where toolbox icon of C1FlexGridSearchPanel was missing in VS Toolbox.
- [FlexGridSearchPanel] Fixed the issue where exception was thrown when SearchMode was Always and when '"' was typed as first key, .
- Added ApplySearch method to C1FlexGridBase class for full text search across all visible columns with data of C1FlexGrid.
- Added AllowNull property and EmptyAsNull property to determine that cells in current column will accept null value or null will be replaced by default value in unbound mode and to determine that empty string from editor will be transformed to null or not after submitting value respectively.
Breaking Changes
- The default value of C1FlexGridBase.EmptyAsNull property was changed to false.
FlexReport for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where series text in FlexCharField generated incorrectly if Series.YExpression contained spaces.
- Fixed the issue where report saved in C1FlexReportDesigner application could not be loaded in UWP FlexReport if it contained DataSource with SortDefinition and SortDirection specified as Descending.
- Fixed the issue where WMF images processed by the C1FlexReport incorrectly as raster (not vector) images.
- Fixed the issue where content of subreport was not refreshed if subreport had no parameters and user pressed "Refresh" in preview.
- Fixed the issue where Arial Narrow font processed incorrectly as regular Arial font.
- Fixed the issue where Series.YExpression was used as series caption if label was not specified for Series of FlexChartField.
- Fixed the issue where C1FlexReport used invalid paper size for B4 and B5 sizes.
- [FlexViewer] Fixed the issue where highlight on the search result text disappeared when clicking the "Match Case" or "Whole Word" button.
- The Dock property of a C1FlexViewer was set to 'Fill' when adding the control from the toolbox
- Added a notification when saving the document to a file
- Optimized printing multiple copies.
- [FlexViewer] The error message text was shown on a page that could not be rendered because of an internal error.
Breaking Changes
- [FlexViewer] The default value for the C1FlexViewer.UseIncrementalSearch property was changed from False to True.
Other Changes
- [FlexViewer] Added reference to C1.Win.Bitmap.4.dll.
GanttView for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where start date of second task was being moved to non-working day when set the predecessor link with first task.
- Fixed the issue where all days could be set to non-working days through 'Change Working Time' dialogs.
- Fixed the issue where "Delete Task" button was enabled when match rows were not shown in C1GanttView after applying filter.
- Fixed the issue where text in the grid view was disappeared when making changes while cursor was still in the edit mode.
- Fixed the issue where empty task names in the "Link Information" dialog box were now changed to its IDs.
- Fixed the issue where added lag value to predecessors column if the Lag was defined.
- Fixed the issue where text was overlapped and corner of task bars were cut off in Print Preview when PrintInfo.FitHorizontally was set to true.
- Fixed the issue where inactive task allowed drawing the percent completed progress bar on it.
- Fixed the issue where a half-finished task could be made inactive.
- Fixed the issue where matched tasks were not shown when applying 'Percent Complete' filter by using "Equal" and "DoesNotEqual" testOperator after dragging the 'Percent Complete' as '63' value in tasks.
- Fixed the issue where there was a spelling mistake for "nonworking day" in the "Conflict Resolver" dialog.
- Fixed the issue where text in the grid view was not dimmed for the inactive task.
- Fixed the issue where an exception was raised when pressing the "Undo" button after clearing tasks from code.
- Fixed the issue where 'Inactive' and 'BarStyles' buttons were disabled when blank row was contained in selection of multiple rows.
- Fixed the issue where link line was shown over tiers while drawing predecessor line and scrolling until start dragging task could not be seen.
- Fixed the issue where link line was shown at incorrect position while drawing the Predecessors line between two tasks.
- Fixed the issue where "Conflict with a linked task" error was still shown although one task was set into inactive task.
- Added "Delete" button in "Advanced Filter" dialog box.
- Added method C1GanttView.ClearUndoRedo() to clear undo-redo stack.
- Added possibility to fit C1GanttVie into a page while printing.
- Added the following events: MouseDown, MouseUp, MouseClick, MouseDoubleClick, MouseWheel, KeyDown, KeyUp, KeyPress, Paint
- Task could not be edited through grid while grouping tasks.
Input for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- [C1ComboBox][C1FontPicker][C1ColorPicker] Fixed the issue where items could be selected by pressing up/down key although ReadOnly property was set to true.
- [C1DateEdit] Fixed the issue where months and year were not shown correctly when selecting month and year from the header of calendar dropdown after setting RTL=Yes.
- [C1ComboBox] Fixed the issue where html tag was shown in text area of C1ComboBox when user selected item from C1ComboBox with ItemMode=Html by pressing up/down key.
- [C1NumericEdit] Fixed the issue where TextChanged event was fired twice when a text was changed from a value to another value directly.
- [C1SplitButton] Fixed the issue where selected dropdown item with sub-items did not use themed hot style.
- [C1SplitButton] Fixed the issue where sub-items of disabled dropdown item were displayed and could be accessed.
- [C1SplitButton] Fixed the issue where button fore color did not dim in the disabled C1SplitButton.
- [C1ComboBox] Fixed the issue where even if SelectedIndex of C1ComboBox was set, it did not become effective.
- [C1ComboBox] Fixed the issue where C1ComboBox did not change a value when it used ItemsImageList.
- [C1NumericEdit] Fixed the issue where "NaN" was not displayed when pressing F4 when NumericInput and NumericInputKeys.F4 properties were True.
- [C1NumericEdit] Fixed the issue where decimal char could be entered even if NumericInputKeys.Decimal property was False.
- [C1DateEdit] Fixed the issue where custom format that contained 'E' for EditFormat was not displayed correctly in edit mode.
- Fixed the issue where when "Furigana" was obtained using ReadingStringOutput object of C1TextBox, incorrect results were sometimes obtained.
- [C1ComboBox] Fixed the issue where C1ComboBox showed the system context menu when a DropDownStyle value was set to DropDownList.
- [C1ComboBox] Fixed the issue where selection was not shown in drop down list although selected item was shown in text area when ItemMode=Html.
- [C1DateEdit] Fixed the issue where setting the property C1DateEdit.Calendar.CalendarWeekRule was ignored.
- [C1DateEdit] Fixed the issue where C1DateEdit was not working properly when calendar's MinDate and MaxDate were the same day.
- [C1ComboBox] Fixed the issue where NullReferenceException occurred when a item was selected and used HTML code with ordered list in 'Item' property.
- [C1ComboBox] Fixed the issue where selected text in text area was displayed incorrectly when using HTML code with unordered list in 'Item' property.
- [C1TextBox] Fixed the issue where Modified property of C1TextBox did not return a correct value.
InputPanel for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Minor corrections for C++/CLI apps.
- Fixed the issue where movement of a form was reset when the SelectedIndexChanged event was raised.
- Fixed the issue where Validated event fired multiple times when a MessageBox was shown from the event handler.
List for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- [C1Combo] Fixed the issue where the SelChange event was replaced to the SelectionChanging event.
- [C1Combo] Fixed the issue where C1Combo items were not rendered when the form was closed and loaded without creating a new one.
Map for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where image returned from ITileSource.GetTile's user implementation was not considered by TileManager.
- Added property HorizontalLoop that defines whether the map will be scrolled to west or east endlessly.
- Added C1Map.Proxy property.
Menus and Toolbars for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where NullReferenceException was thrown when a visual style was changed after applying themes on C1MainMenu/C1ToolBar/C1OutBar.
- Fixed the issue where CharCategory property of C1TextBox did not work as expected.
- Fixed the issue where tab page was not retained to the previous position when e.Cancel was set to true in floating event of c1DockingManager.
- Fixed the issue where TabPage caption was cut off when RightToLeft=Yes , CanAutoHide=False and CloseBoxEnum=ActivePage/AllPage.
- [C1DockingTab] Fixed the issue where ShowSingleTab did not work in the case of an invisible tab.
- [C1DockingTab] Fixed the issue where border disappeared by setting ShowSingleTab='false' although setting DockingTab's BorderStyle to 'FixedSingle'.
- [C1TopicBar] Fixed the issue where the size of a TopicBar page title was not refreshed when page styles contained a different font size.
- Fixed the issue where the selected tabpage did not get deleted and continued to display when the C1DockingPage was selected and opened.
- Fixed the issue where there was a lot of space encountered between tabs when Office2007 or Office 2010 TabStyle was applied and tabs between two tabs were hidden.
- Fixed the issue where restoring C1DockingTab aligned side-by-side created wrong placement.
- Fixed the issue where C1Outbar crashed when OutPage with controls were collapsed.
- Fixed the issue where the size of TopicBar page was less than a size of current font.
- C1DockingTab prevented C1DockingTabPage from being dragged under Windows Task bar.
Olap for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where field(s) data was not grouped properly in C1Olap.
PDF for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where the output pdf file had scrambled Arabic text.
- Fixed the issue where draw lines on bottom and right were not displayed in the first page of result pdf.
- Fixed the issue where Hebrew text exceeded from the border in exported pdf file.
- Output in one pass for text drawing (TextOut methods of PdfDocumnet and PdfDocumentBase).
Reports for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Grid View part of C1GanttView is black in exported excel file.
- Text are jump to the new line in exported docx file when RenderObjects use BaseNine fonts.
- In some rare cases RTF Field does not split between pages even if KeepTogether == false.
Ribbon for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where drop down list in Custom VisualStyle Ribbon ComboBox lost ampersand.
Scheduler for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where the FirstVisibleTime property was ignored in the TimeLine view.
- Added C1Schedule.MinSlotWidth and MinDaySlotWidth properties to control slot width in the C1Schedule TimeLine view.
SpellChecker for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where SpellChecker reference was changed to use .Net40 C1.Win.C1SpellCkecker.4.dll
SplitContainer for WinForms
- Added SplitterMoving and SplitterMoved events for C1SplitContainer.
Themes for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- C1ThemeController showed an error when a custom theme was added to a project from multi-project solution.
TreeView for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where Expanded and Expanding events of c1TreeView were fired when a node did not have child nodes.
- Fixed the issue where C1TreeNode was not able to edit date when column editor type was DatePicker and C1TreeView did not have data source.
- Fixed the issue where any control was visible on form in runtime when it was set as Editor in c1TreeColumn.
- Fixed the issue where TreeView doted lines were distorted when mouse was over a node and RightToLeft was yes.
- Fixed the issue where node wasn't expanded when mouse over on it and other node was dragged.
- Fixed the issue where TreeView showed message box about licensing when the EditorType was set as 'DatePicker' or 'NumericEdit'.
- Fixed the issue where NullReferenceException was occurred when the TreeViewColumn EditorType was set as 'CheckBox' and the theme was applied at design time or run time.
- Fixed the issue where C1TreeView reset styles settings when a theme was applied.
- Fixed the issue where long text of nodes was not shown completely when BorderStyle=Full, Border=2 and WordWrap=True.
- Fixed the issue where the LineStyle of C1TreeView was not shown properly when the LineStyle was set to 'Custom'.
- Fixed the issue where "InvalidCastException" exception occurred when the C1TreeColumn EditorType was set as ColorPicker and a value of cell didn't has the Color type.
- Fixed the issue where DropDownButton border was shown in a cell when mouse was dragged over to another cell.
- Fixed the issue where DropDown button was shown at the right side when the RightToLeft was set to the Yes value and the EditorType was set to the ComboBox/DatePicker/NumericEdit value.
- Fixed the issue where Visual Studio stopped responding when the C1TreeView's column was changed visibility to false via designer.
New Features
- Added new properties C1TreeColumn.DisplayFormat and C1TreeColumn.EditFormat.
- Added the CustomContentPresenter property to C1TreeColumn.
- Added the Tag property to C1TreeNode.
- Added a tooltip support.
- Added the ScrollPositionChanged event to C1TreeView.
- Added drag & drop support for multiple selected nodes.
- DataMap property translates value in a cell using a IDictionary.
- Added theme support for default editors.
- Added the ContextMenu property into the C1TreeNode.
- Added the focus rectangle that equals the cell size
Breaking Changes
- Style.BorderStyle, Style.Border and Style.BorderColor properties.
- Removed the ContextMenu property from the C1TreeNode.
- Added the BeforeContextMenuShow event into the C1TreeView.
- Added C1TreeColumn.DataMap to get or set an IDictionary used to associate cell values with display values in the ComboBox editor.
- Added new default editors: DatePicker, NumericEdit, ColorPicker.
Other Changes
- TreeNodes editor uses only the Text editor in design time.
- Added reference to C1Command.
TrueDBGrid for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where previously matched values appeared in the FilterBar of other column after applying filter by filter drop down in one column when 'MultiFilterSelect=True'.
- Fixed the issue where MultiFilter did not work correctly when 'MultiFilter=True'.
- Fixed the issue where ComboSelected event was not fired when selecting item from comBobox by using keyboard.
- Fixed the issue where C1TrueDbGrid lost new row data when it was bound to BindingSource.
- Fixed the issue where C1TrueDBGrid slowed when cell had a very large data.
- Fixed the issue where memory leak was caused when the ValueItems.Presentation was set as SortedComboBox.
- Fixed the issue where NullReferenceException occurred when the DataView was changed in the AfterFilter event.
- Fixed the issue where cursor was not displayed in the edit mode when an editor had a few lines and the font size more then 9.
- Fixed the issue where ArguementOutOfRange occurred when the grid did not contain a filter value and the grid contained empty rows.
New Features
- Added the Select method to selects a range of cells.
- Exported to Excel extension C1.Win.C1TrueDBGrid.Excel.4.dll
- Added the SaveExcel method to C1TrueDbGid.
- ScrollBar was scrolled automatically to the last row while selecting multiple rows by selecting one row and dragging mouse over the last rows.
- Column selection was changed causing the mouse down event by column header sets selection state for column.
- Implemented new method C1TrueDbGrid.LoadExcel to provide import from Microsoft Excel file (needs reference to C1.Win.C1TrueDBGrid.Excel.4 assembly).
- Changed sample TrueDbGrid\CS\Excel (added the demonstration of the C1TrueDbGrid.LoadExcel feature).
- Implemented new method C1TrueDbGrid.SaveExcel to provide fast export to Microsoft Excel file (needs reference to C1.Win.C1TrueDBGrid.Excel.4 assembly).
- Added new sample TrueDbGrid\CS\Excel to demonstrate the C1TrueDbGrid.SaveExcel feature.
- Added new ComboSelected event to provide SelectedIndex property.
- Added support for selecting multiple rows by selecting one row & dragging mouse over other rows.
Word for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where System.InvalidCastException exception was thrown when loading the rtf file containing table.
- Fixed the issue where text jumped to the new line in exported docx file when RenderObjects used BaseNine fonts.
- Fixed the issue where System.FormatException was thrown when loading a docx file.
- Fixed the issue where image and chart in the flexreport file were not shown in exported rtf file.
- Fixed the issue where text did not fit into field's bound in RTF/Word/Excel exported file when using "TextFitMode".
- Fixed the issue where an unhandled exception of type 'System.FormatException' occurred in C1.WPF.Word.4.dll.
- Fixed the issue where table contents were shown as twice in output RTF document if any content was added under the RTF table.
- Added support expand (spacing between characters) value for DOCX format.
Other Bug Fixes
- [C1Document] Fixed the issue where background color of shape was not affected in RTF and Word file.
- [C1Document] Fixed the issue where text was not displayed in exported excel file when adding TextField to the Shape field and its Zorder property was set.
- [C1Document] Fixed the issue where currency sign replaced undefined character in exported excel file.
- [C1Document] Fixed the issue where an exception occurred in C1PdfDocumentSource if pdf file contained other than standard fonts not installed in the system by default.
- [C1Document] Fixed the issue where PDF files were not displayed by the C1PdfDocumentSource at all.
- [C1Document] Fixed the issue where numbers of the generated file were incorrect when exporting the file using RenderToFilter method in multithread application.
- [C1Document] Fixed the issue where text was did not fit into field's bound in RTF/Word/Excel exported file when using "TextFitMode".
- [C1Document] Fixed the issue where the image in the report's header was shown twice when exporting to the Excel file.
- [C1Document] Fixed the issue where rotated text was distorted in exported excel file if text field was set to border.
- [C1IntelliSpell] Fixed the issue where SpellChecker reference was changed to use .Net40 C1.Win.C1SpellCkecker.4.dll.
- [C1IntelliSpell] Fixed the issue where incorrect duplicate words appeared in Resx files.
- Fixed the issue where GridRow.HitTest worked incorrectly when the GridCell.RowSpan was set.
Other Breaking Changes
- [C1Document] C1.Win.C1Document.4.dll references C1.Win.Bitmap.4.dll.