ActiveReports 8 Server SDK
Security Provider Sample
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The ActiveReports 8 Server installation includes a security provider sample that you can find in:

C:\ActiveReports 8 Server\SDK\ActiveTunes.SecurityProvider

To open the solution, double-click the ActiveTunes.SecurityProvider.sln file.

Sample Project Description
ActiveTunes.SecurityProvider Shows how you can provide proprietary or single-sign-on authentication instead of the built-in ActiveReports 8 Server security and use row-level security.
ActiveTunes.SecurityProvider.UnitTests Shows how you can test the row-level security using sample data.

To compile and use the Security Provider sample

Now, when you edit the ActiveTunes sample model, you can apply either the EmployeeID or CustomerID filter to any entity.

To add row-level security to the ActiveTunes sample model

See Also

SDK Tutorials



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