C1.Silverlight version 20142.409
- Added missing translations for different cultures.
- [C1RadialMenu] Added new C1RadialMenu Control. It represents a touch-friendly alternative to the traditional context menu.
- [C1ContextMenu] Show C1ContextMenu when holding on touch screen.
Bug Fixes
- [C1Menu] Fixed the issue where c1MenuListItem was not getting disabled
when command is bound.
- The C1ListViewer.BringIntoView() method is now working correctly.
- C1ListViewer.MinZoom and MaxZoom are now honored when setting the Zoom property programmatically.
- [C1TabControl] Fixed the issue where the MouseLeftButtonUp event was not fired
in C1TabControl.
- [C1TabControl] Fixed the issue where slow performance was observed when a theme was applied and a C1DockTabItem containing a large number of controls was selected.
- C1DragHelper is now working when two helpers are attached to the same
ui-element and one of them expected inertia whereas the other did not.
- [C1NumericBox] Fixed the issue where an increment number was not shown and the application stopped working when clicking increment button in C1NumericBox.
- [C1NumericBox] Fixed the issue that when a C1NumericBox was bound with another C1NumericBox, its value could not change once it reached the maximum or minimum value.
- C1ListViewer item is no longer buried when zooming-in using ZoomAnimation().
- The C1TapHelper Holding event was implemented for these platforms.
- C1ListViewer is now honoring the Horizontal and VerticalAlignment properties of the items.
- [C1ComboBox] Fixed the issue of incorrect item selection with the Condition property set to 'Contains'.
- [C1TreeView] Fixed the issue where AutoSearch was not working for the selected keyboard language.
- [C1TabControl] Fixed the issue that the views and view models were not being garbage collected when UnselectedContentMode was set to Collapsed.
- The C1DragHelper property Origin of the DragStarted event args was returning an incorrect value when performed with the finger.
- Property path setter and getter were modified to support nested indexed paths as well as default Visual Basic properties.
- [C1NumericBox] Fixed the issue where an ArgumentOutOfRangeException occurred when deleting the initial value '0' in c1NumericBox.
- [C1NumericBox] Fixed the issue that zero could not be entered after a decimal point in C1Numericbox even is the set format was 'F2' or 'N2'.
- [C1NumericBox] Fixed the issue where the cursor did not shift its position if the digit which occurred after the decimal point was typed again after the decimal for the second time.
- [C1MaskTextBox] Fixed the issue where the 'VerticalScrollBar' did not fully show as C1MaskTextBox's height.
- [C1TreeView] Drag drop between two C1TreeView controls no longer leaves a drag impression on source C1TreeView.
- GetPropertyValue extension now evaluates the path correctly when it has the following structure "[xxx.xxx]".
- C1ListBox problem with scrollbar's visibility has been fixed.
- [C1DropDownButton] Fixed the issue where the HeaderFontSize, HeaderFontStyle and HeaderFontWeight properties did not work in C1DropDownButton.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed exception when zooming StepAreaStacked.
- Fixed a problem with the label position in a pie chart when the starting angle was negative.
Breaking Changes
- RenderMode3D has been renamed to RenderMode.
- Added missing localized resources.
Bug Fixes
- Filter items now change when the Language is changed in the application.
- An exception is no longer raised when pressing the Enter key in the filter drop-down.
- Row validation background no longer disappears when scrolling up and down.
- Unselect row when Ctrl key was pressed and selection mode was multi-row. Fixed.
- An exception is no longer raised when pressing the Tab key.
- The filter drop-down is no longer shown incorrectly.
- An exception is no longer raised when merging cells and grouping at the same time.
- Header no longer disappears after printing when it is a TextBlock.
- DataGridNumericConverter changed to convert DBNull values to null.
- Viewport.CellsRange no longer raises an exception if the range is invalid; now it returns null.
- The Tab KeyPress event was incorrectly handled when no cell with a focusable control was found. Fixed.
- Printed data grid was not considering the height of the rows.
Bug Fixes
- Filters tab navigation has been improved.
Bug Fixes
- DataGridGroupWithSummaryRowPresenter template is now displaying the background set by the user.
- [C1DockControl] Support float tab control when dragging.
Bug Fixes
- [C1DockControl] Fixed the issue where the Close button was displayed even after setting CanUserHide to False for C1DockTabControl.
- [C1DockControl] Fixed the issue where C1DockTabControl did not fill the C1DockControl when the Save and Load methods of C1DockControl are used.
Bug Fixes
- A NullReferenceException is no longer thrown if SelectedObject is set to an object instance whose class definition consists of a ColorPalette.
- C1BasicColorPicker keyboard navigation has been fixed.
- [C1PropertyGrid] SubProperties of type ObservableCollection are now displayed correctly in C1PropertyGrid.
- Improved the performance of AutoSizeColumns (allCells).
Bug Fixes
- The right border is no longer missing when printing.
- Added Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese resources.
- Added Romanian resources.
Bug Fixes
- Filtering null values are now working correctly.
- The Column header content is no longer centered incorrectly when using filters.
- An exception is no longer raised when filtering.
- Getting cell values is now working correctly when the binding of the column is using XPath.
- Improved the performance of the Row.GetData() method.
- Recycle templated cells to improve performance and avoid memory leaks.
- [C1MediaPlayer] Added MediaStreamSource to C1MediaItem to play WAV files.
- Added localized resources for different cultures.
- Reconstructed C1PdfViewer by using C1ListViewer on WPF and SL.
- Added touch support and improved scrolling smoothness.
Bug Fixes
- Removed the "Two Pages" button from the PdfViewerToolbar.
- The behavior of rendering multiple pages is the same as WinRT's. (vertical rendering)
- As in WinRT's C1PdfViewer, added the ViewportGap and Orientation properties.
- Fixed the issue where the embedded font was not applied.
- Fixed the issue where some words were not able to be selected when the 'Find' action was performed.
- Fix the issue where the 'Zoom In' button was still enabled even though the Zoom value was set to the maximized value '800%' the first time.
- Fixed the issue where the XamlParseException occurred when loading certain .pdf files in c1PdfViewr.
- Fixed the issue where users were unable to print more than 2000 pages from C1PDFViewer.
- Fixed the issue where an Inflating error was raised when loading certain .pdf files.
- Fixed the issue that when Orientation was set to Horizontal, the Next Page button was not working in the toolbar.
- Fixed the issue where an ArgumentException was raised when text was entered in the search box.
- Fixed an issue where certain .pdf files did not render correctly.
- Fixed the issue where the CryptographicException was thrown when loading certain .pdf files.
- Fixed issue where the SelectedText property did not work in c1PdfViewer.
- Fixed issue where it was not possible to navigate hyperlinks in PDFViewer.
- Fixed the issue where C1PdfViewer was automatically scrolled when double-clicking a word.
- Fixed the issue where the circle bullets were replaced with rectangles in C1PdfViewer.
- Fixed the issue where the image of a .pdf file appeared smudged when viewed in C1PdfViewer.
- Fixed the issue where the NullReferenceException occurred when loading a .pdf file containing input controls.
- Fixed the issue where a dotted line was replaced with square characters.
- Fixed the issue where a CryptographicException occurred when loading a password protected .pdf file.
- Fixed the issue where the text of a bullet list was shown in a larger font size.
- Fixed the issue where logo images and graphic lines were missing.
- Fixed the issue where an exception occurred when loading certain .pdf files.
- Fixed the issue where checkboxes were displayed as unknown characters.
- Fixed the issue where incorrect characters were rendering.
- Fixed the issue where the font size rendered too large when loading certain files.
- Fixed the issue of incorrect text location and overlapped text rendering.
- Fixed the issue where an IndexOutOfRangeException occurred when dragging the mouse on the Japanese Kanji character.
- Fixed the issue where the PdfViewer could not scroll text into view.
- Fixed the issue where strange block rendered in PdfViewer.
- Fixed the issue where text was missing and small in PdfViewer.
- Fixed the issue where the correct word could not be selected while searching text when loading a Chinese .pdf file.
- Fixed the issue where characters were too close and nearly overlapped in a loaded .pdf file.
- Fixed the issue where the table UI, logo image, checkbox, barcode, and header text were not displayed.
- Fixed the issue where some characters did not show in PdfViewer.
- Fixed the issue where some characters rendered incorrectly in PdfViewer.
- Fixed the issue where some white vertical lines appeared above the text in C1PdfViewer.
- Fixed the issue where the Search function did not work correctly.
- Fixed the issue where incorrect text rendered in the text box.
- Fixed the issue where incorrect text rendered in PdfViewer.
- Fixed the issue where some formula, text, and tables did not show correctly in c1PdfViewer.
- Fixed the issue where text was not correctly selected when searching the value in a .pdf file.
- Fixed the issue where watermark text did not correctly display in a loaded .pdf file.
- Fixed the issue where some words and numbers were changed to a large font size in C1PdfViewer.
- Fixed the issue where text did not appear correctly aligned when Chinese and English characters were on the same page.
- Fixed the issue where an IndexOutOfRangeException occurred when loading a .pdf file.
- [WPF] Fixed the issue where C1PDFViewer displayed some blank pages.
- Fixed the issue that some text overlapped when loading certain .pdf files.
- Fixed the issue where an exception occurred when opening certain .pdf files.
- Fixed the issue where text overlapped in a scanned .pdf.
- Fixed the issue where text IndexOutOfRangeException occurred when loading the pdf file.
- Fixed the issue where a text NullReferenceExecption occurred when loading the pdf file.
- Fixed the issue where text was not shown when loading the .pdf file.
- Fixed the issue where some text was getting lost except from the first characters in a Vietnamese .pdf file.
- Fixed the issue where some texts overlapped when loading a .pdf file.
- Fixed the issue where spaces disappeared.
- Fixed the issue where it took a long time to load a file.
- Fixed the issue where some text inside the table was shown in a larger font size when loading a .pdf file.
- Fixed the issue where text in a specific rectangle was not shown in C1PdfViewer.
- Fixed the issue where the Find text textbox was not able to search text when loading the .pdf file containing both English and Japanese text.
- Fixed the issue where some words became a large font size in c1PdfViewer.
- Fixed the issue where blank pages were shown in C1PdfViewer.
- Fixed the issue where header text was shown improperly in c1PdfViewer.
- Fixed the issue that some text was missing when loading report type 'RPC' format in C1ReportViewer.
- Fixed the issue where NullReferenceException occurred when trying to go to page 31 in c1PdfViewer.
- [WPF] Fixed the issue where bullets were replaced with ! in a loaded .pdf file.
- Fixed the issue where an ArgumentException was thrown when opening certain .pdf files.
- Fixed the issue where overlapped text was shown.
- Fixed the issue where few Chinese characters were not rendered correctly.
- Fixed the issue where a Japanese .pdf file was not rendered properly in C1PdfViewer.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where a bullet was clipped when the bullet was applied to text after setting a large font size.
- Fixed the issue where a white line was shown at the bottom of the cell after merging the table cell.
- Fixed the issue that when pasting from Outlook/Word did not format correctly.
- Fixed the issue where the ArgumentNullException occurred when removing a link from hyperlink text after removing the underline from it.
- Fixed the issue where the "LayoutCycle" exception was observed when numerous (>130) C1RichTextBox controls were added at run time.
- Fixed the issue where the MouseWheel event did not get fired.
- Fixed the issue where images resized in RichTextBox did not maintain scaling when exported to C1PdfViewer.
- Fixed the issue so that list alignment is now working with ToolBar.
- Added Romanian resources.
- Added missing translations for different cultures.
- Added view tab that includes C1PrintViewLargeTool, C1DraftViewLargeTool, C1ZoomInTool, C1ZoomOutTool, C1Zoom100PercentTool, C1OnePageTool, C1TwoPagesTool, and C1FitWidthTool to C1RichTextBoxToolBar.
- Added C1StrikethoughTool to the home tab of C1RichTextBoxToolBar.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue that when typing -9 in the zoom textbox, the value reset to 100%.
Breaking Changes
- Removed obsolete C1Scheduler properties: VisualIntervals, VisualIntervalGroups, and VisualIntervalsView.
- Added the IntervalAppointmentPresenter.ShowTime property. It gets a value that determines whether to show the appointment time.
- Added Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese resources.
- Added Romanian resources.
- Added missing translations for different cultures.
- Fixed an issue with incorrect drag and drop behavior in the C1Scheduler when the Application.Current.RootVisual uses the RightToLeft FlowDirection.
- Added Romanian resources.
Bug Fixes
- In Theming.Office2013 foreground was not propagated because of the usage of an implicit style whose foreground was set. Fixed.
Bug Fixes
- [C1TileView] When moving TileViewItem, the items are no longer moved in an inconsistent order.
- [C1TileView] An ArgumentNullException no longer occurs when clearing all c1TileViewItems if one item is maximized.
- Added localized resources for different cultures.
- Added Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese resources.