| Class | Description |
| C1CollectionChangedEventArgs | Provides event data for changes in the data source collection. |
| C1DataGrid | Used to display, analyze, and edit tabular information. Supports virtualized data-binding, xaml styling and automatic sorting and filters in client/server scenarios. |
| C1DataGridFilterHelper | Provides helper methods to work with custom filters in C1DataGrid. |
| C1RowIndexHeaderBehavior | Displays the row index in the row header |
| C1ValidationBehavior | Validates rows automatically on loading and after committed row. |
| CustomPropertyInfo | Class that encapsulates a PropertyDescriptor (can be used in WPF binding) and exposes it as a PropertyInfo (can be used in WPF and Silverlight). |
| DataGridAutoGeneratingColumnEventArgs | Provides event data for auto generating column events. |
| DataGridBeganEditEventArgs | Provides event data for BeganEdit event. |
| DataGridBeginningEditEventArgs | Provides event data for editing event. |
| DataGridBeginningNewRowEventArgs | Provides event data for new row beginning event. |
| DataGridBoundColumn | Represent a DataGridColumn which is bound to a data property. |
| DataGridBoundConverter | Multi-purpose converter. |
| DataGridCell | Represents an individual C1DataGrid cell. |
| DataGridCellEventArgs | Provides event data for events related to cells. |
| DataGridCellPresenter | Represent the visual element of a cell. |
| DataGridCellsPanel | Panel which contains the cells. |
| DataGridCellsRange | Specifies a range of cells determined by two cells. |
| DataGridCellsRangeCollection | Collection of DataGridCellsRange. |
| DataGridCheckBoxColumn | Represent a DataGridColumn that hosts Boolean content in its cells |
| DataGridCheckBoxConverter | Converts Boolean values to string values according to the settings of the passed check box column. |
| DataGridCheckBoxFilter | Visual element that display a checkbox to filter by its value. Represents the default filter control for checkbox columns. |
| DataGridColumn | Represent a column in the grid |
| DataGridColumnCollection | Represent the collection of columns of the data grid |
| DataGridColumnEditableValueEventArgs<T> | Provides event data for events related to columns and associated value |
| DataGridColumnEventArgs | Provides event data for events related to columns |
| DataGridColumnHeaderPresenter | Content Control that represent the header of a column, this control contains the sort, resize and filter elements. |
| DataGridColumnHeaderRow | Represents a C1.WPF.DataGrid row whose cells are column headers. |
| DataGridColumnHeaderTypeConverter | Converts a string to a list of headers and vice versa. |
| DataGridColumnReorderingEventArgs | Provides event data for ColumnReordering event. |
| DataGridColumnsHeaderPanel | Panel that contains a collection of DataGridColumnsHeaderPanel. |
| DataGridColumnValue<T> | Contains extra information about a column. |
| DataGridColumnValueEventArgs<T> | Provides event data for events related to columns and associated value |
| DataGridComboBoxColumn | Represent a DataGridColumn that hosts enumerable content in its cells |
| DataGridCreatingRowEventArgs | Provides event data for CreatingRow event. |
| DataGridDateTimeColumn | Represent a DataGridColumn which is bound to a data property representing System.DateTime or System.Nullable`1 values. |
| DataGridDateTimeConverter | DateTime Converter. |
| DataGridDateTimeFilter | The filter for DateTime values. This control should be used as InnerControl for the DataGridFilter control to create the DateTime filter for the C1DataGrid. Represents the default filter control for DateTime columns. |
| DataGridDefaultInputHandlingStrategy | This instance manages the keyboard events navigating through the cells. |
| DataGridDeletingRowsEventArgs | Provides event data for DeletingRows event. |
| DataGridDetailsPresenter | Represent the visual element of the details of a row. |
| DataGridEditingRowEventArgs | Provides event data for editing events. |
| DataGridEndingEditEventArgs | Provides event data for ending cell edit events. |
| DataGridEndingNewRowEventArgs | Provides event data for ending new row events. |
| DataGridFilter | Represents the Control that hosts the filters for the C1DataGrid. |
| DataGridFilterChangedEventArgs | Provides event data for FilterChanged event. |
| DataGridFilterChangingEventArgs | Provides event data for FilterChanging event. |
| DataGridFilterException | This error is raised when FilterBy method is called but the collection view is not ready. |
| DataGridFilterInfo | Contains the filter information used to create filters for a C1DataGrid column. A filter can be constructed by one or more FilterInfo instances. |
| DataGridFilterLoadingEventArgs | Provides event data for the FilterLoading event of DataGridColumn. |
| DataGridFilterState | State of the filter. |
| DataGridFinalizeEditingException | This error is raised when the editing cell couldn't be committed. |
| DataGridFocusPresenter | Represent the visual element of the focus which is used inside a cell. |
| DataGridGettingCellValueEventArgs | Provides event data for GettingCellValue event of DataGridTemplateColumn. |
| DataGridGroupChangedEventArgs | Provides event data for group changed events. |
| DataGridGroupChangingEventArgs | Provides event data for GroupChanging event. |
| DataGridGroupColumnHeaderPresenter | Represent the visual element of an item of the grouping panel. |
| DataGridGroupException | This error is raised when GroupBy method is called but the collection view is not ready. |
| DataGridGroupingPanel | Panel used to group by columns. |
| DataGridGroupingPresenter | Presenter that display the grouping panel or another element if there is no columns in the grouping panel. |
| DataGridGroupRow | Represents a C1.WPF.DataGrid group row. |
| DataGridGroupRowPresenter | Row presenter that represents a group. |
| DataGridGroupState | Sort state of a column. |
| DataGridGroupStateTypeConverter | Converts a string to a DataGridSortState. Used to set a sort state from xaml. |
| DataGridHyperlinkColumn | Represent a DataGridColumn that hosts hyperlink content in its cells. |
| DataGridImageColumn | Represent a DataGridColumn that hosts image content in its cells |
| DataGridLengthTypeConverter | Converts a string to a DataGridLength and vice versa. |
| DataGridMergingCellsEventArgs | Provides event data for merging cells events. |
| DataGridMultiValueFilter | filter which contains a list of items with a checkbox for each option. |
| DataGridNewRow | Represents a C1.WPF.DataGrid new row. |
| DataGridNewRowHeaderPresenter | Represent the visual element of a new row header. |
| DataGridNewRowPresenter | Represent the visual element of a new row. |
| DataGridNumericColumn | Represent a DataGridColumn that hosts numeric content in its cells. |
| DataGridNumericConverter | Numeric Converter. |
| DataGridNumericFilter | The filter for numeric values. This control should be used as InnerControl for the DataGridFilter control to create the numeric filter for the C1DataGrid. Represents the default filter control for numeric columns. |
| DataGridRow | Represents a DataGrid row. |
| DataGridRowCollection | Collection of DataGridRow. |
| DataGridRowDetailsEventArgs | Provides event data for events related to row details. |
| DataGridRowError | Describes an error associated with a DataGridRow. |
| DataGridRowEventArgs | Provides event data for events related to rows |
| DataGridRowHeaderColumn | Column whose cells are row headers. This column is typically aligned to the left and can be used with other columns of this type in order to merge row headers. |
| DataGridRowHeaderPresenter | Represent the visual element of a row header. |
| DataGridRowPresenter | Represent the visual element of a row. |
| DataGridRowsAddedEventArgs | Provides event data for RowsAdded event. |
| DataGridRowsDeletedEventArgs | Provides event data for RowsDeleted event. |
| DataGridRowsHeaderPanel | Panel that contains DataGridRowsHeaderPanel. |
| DataGridRowsPanel | Main Panel of the data grid which contains the rows and details. |
| DataGridScrollStepConverter | Converts a string to a DataGridScrollStepConverter. |
| DataGridSelectableRowPresenter | Represent the visual element of a row which contains an element for selection and mouse over. |
| DataGridSelectedItemsCollection<T> | Collection of selected cells, columns or rows. |
| DataGridSelection | Manages the selected cells, columns and rows. |
| DataGridSelectionChangedEventArgs | Provides event data for selection changed event. |
| DataGridSelectionDragEventArgs | Provides event data for selection dragging events. |
| DataGridSelectionDragStartedEventArgs | Provides event data for selection drag started event. |
| DataGridSelectionManager | Manages the selection. |
| DataGridSelectionModeExtension | Extends the SelectionMode enumeration to classify then into groups. |
| DataGridSettingCellValueEventArgs | Provides event data for SettingCellValue event of DataGridTemplateColumn. |
| DataGridSortChangedEventArgs | Provides event data for SortChanged event. |
| DataGridSortChangingEventArgs | Provides event data for SortChanging event. |
| DataGridSortException | This error is raised when SortBy method is called but the collection view is not ready. |
| DataGridSortState | Sort state of a column. |
| DataGridSortStateTypeConverter | Converts a string to a DataGridSortState. Used to set a sort state from xaml. |
| DataGridTemplateColumn | Represent a DataGridColumn whose templates are specified by the user. |
| DataGridTextColumn | Represent a DataGridColumn that hosts textual content in its cells |
| DataGridTextFilter | The filter for text values. This control should be used as InnerControl for the DataGridFilter control to create the text filter for the C1DataGrid. Represents the default filter control for text columns. |
| DataGridToggleGroupButton | Button used to toggle a group. |
| DataGridUriConverter | Converts Uri's from string and vice versa. |
| DataGridVerticalFreezingSeparatorPresenter | Represent the visual element of a freezing vertical separator. |
| DataGridViewport | Contains information about the visible area of the data grid, like which columns and rows are being visible, size of the viewport, etc. |
| DataGridViewProperties | Contains extra information of the view. |
| FilterDescription | Contains info about a filter. |
| GetPageCompletedEventArgs | Provides event data for PageComleted event. |
| NumericComparator | Represents a numeric comparator used to populate the filter. |
| RecyclingPanel | Base panel which manages the recycling life of its items. |
| SortDescription | Defines the direction and the property name to be used as the criteria for sorting a collection. |
| StringListConverter | Convert a coma separated list of strings to a List<string> . |