The C1GridView type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property AllowClientEditing
Gets a value that determines whether client-side editing is enabled.
Public property AllowColMoving
Gets or sets a value that determines whether columns can be moved.
Public property AllowColSizing
Gets or sets a value that determines whether columns can be sized.
Public property AllowGrouping
Gets a value that determines whether grouping is enabled.
Public property AllowKeyboardNavigation
Gets or sets a value that determines whether keyboard navigation is enabled.
Public property AllowPaging
Gets a value that determines whether paging is enabled.
Public property AllowRowHover
Gets or sets a value indicating whether hovering is enabled.
Public property AutoGenerateDeleteButton
Gets a value indicating whether a field column with a Delete button for each data row is automatically added to a C1GridView control.
Public property AutoGenerateEditButton
Gets a value indicating whether a field column with a Edit button for each data row is automatically added to a C1GridView control.
Public property AutoGenerateFilterButton
Gets or sets a value indicating whether a field column with an Filter button for the filter row is automatically added to a C1GridView control.
Public property AutoGenerateSelectButton
Gets a value indicating whether a field column with a Select button for each data row is automatically added to a C1GridView control.
Public property BottomPagerRow
Returns an array of rows representing bottom pager row in the C1GridView control.
Public property CallbackOptions
Determines the actions that can be performed by the C1GridView using callbacks mechanism.
Public property Caption
Gets or sets the text to render in an HTML caption element in a C1GridView control. This property is provided to make the control more accessible to users of assistive technology devices.
Public property CaptionAlign
Gets or sets the horizontal or vertical position of the HTML caption element in a C1GridView control. This property is provided to make the control more accessible to users of assistive technology devices.
Public property CellAutosizingMode
Gets value determining the mode of cell sizes calculation when scrolling is enabled.
Public property Columns
Gets a collection of objects representing the columns of the C1GridView control.
Public property Currency
Gets the currency of the grid.
Public property CurrentCell
Gets the current cell. Deprecated. Use the Currency property instead.
Public property CurrentCellIndex
Gets or sets the index of the current cell. Deprecated. Use the Currency property instead.
Public property CurrentColumn
Gets the current column. Deprecated. Use the Currency property instead.
Public property CurrentRowIndex
Gets or sets the index of the current row. Deprecated. Use the Currency property instead.
Public property EditIndex
Gets or sets the index of the item to be edited.
Public property EditState
Gets a value indicating C1GridView's edit state.
Public property Element (Inherited from C1ThemeableControlBase.)
Public property Enabled
Gets a value indicating whether a C1GridView control is enabled or not.
Public property ErrorText
Gets or sets the text to display if an error occurs during a callback to the server.
Public property FilterRow
Returns an array of rows representing filter row in the C1GridView control.
Public property FilterSettings
Gets a reference to the FilterSettings object that represents filtering settings of a C1GridView control.
Public property FooterRow
Returns an array of rows representing footer row in the C1GridView control.
Public property GroupByCaption
Gets or sets caption of the grouping area.
Public property GroupedColumns
Gets a collection objects representing the columns contained in a group.
Public property HeaderRow
Returns an array of rows representing header row in the C1GridView control.
Public property HeaderRows
Gets iterator for header rows contained in a header of the C1GridView control. These rows are inside the THEAD section of a HTML table representing the C1GridView control on a page.
Public property Height
Gets or sets the height of the C1GridView control.
Public property PageCount
Gets the total number of pages needed to display the items in the C1GridView component.
Public property PageIndex
Gets or sets the index of the current page.
Public property PagerSettings
Gets a reference to the C1GridViewPagerSettings object that represents paging settings of a C1GridView control.
Public property PropertiesState (Inherited from C1ThemeableControlBase.)
Public property ResizeSettings
Gets a reference to the ResizeSettings object that represents resizing settings of a C1GridView control.
Public property RowHeader
Gets a C1RowHeaderField object that represents the row header in a C1GridView control.
Public property Rows
Returns an iterator for body rows of the C1GridView control. These rows are inside TBODY section of an HTML table representing the C1GridView control on a page.
Public property ScrollSettings
Gets a reference to the C1GridViewScrollSettings object that represents scrolling settings of a C1GridView control.
Public property SelectedCell
Gets a first selected cell in the grid.
Public property SelectedIndex
Gets or sets the index of the selected row.
Public property SelectedRow
Returns an array of rows representing selected row in the C1GridView control.
Public property Selection
Gets a C1GridViewSelection object that manages selection in the grid.
Public property SelectionMode
Gets or sets a C1GridViewSelectionMode enumeration member that represents grid's client-side selection behaviour.
Public property ShowCurrency
Gets or sets a value indicating whether position of the currency is visualized or not.
Public property ShowFilter
Gets or sets value indicating whether filter row is visible or not.
Public property ShowFooter
Gets or sets value indicating whether footer row is visible or not.
Public property ShowHeader
Gets or sets value indicating whether header row is visible or not.
Public property TabNavigation
Gets or sets a value indicating how control handles the tab key in order to change currency.
Public property TopPagerRow
Returns an array of rows representing top pager row in the C1GridView control.
Protected property UpdateMode
Public property UseAccessibleHeader
Gets or sets a value indicating whether a C1GridView control renders its header in an accessible format. This property is provided to make the control more accessible to users of assistive technology devices.
Public property VisualStyle (Inherited from C1ThemeableControlBase.)
Public property WaitImagePosition
Gets or sets the position of the wait image.
Public property Width
Gets or sets the width of the C1GridView control.

See Also