Client-Side API Reference > Input > wijmo.input > Calendar Class |
constructor(element: any, options?): Calendar
Initializes a new instance of the Calendar class.
The DOM element that hosts the control, or a selector for the host element (e.g. '#theCtrl').
The JavaScript object containing initialization data for the control.
Gets or sets a value that represents the first day of the week, the one displayed in the first column of the calendar.
Setting this property to null causes the calendar to use the default for the current culture. In the English culture, the first day of the week is Sunday (0); in most European cultures, the first day of the week is Monday (1).
Gets the DOM element that is hosting the control.
Gets or sets a value that determines whether the control is disabled.
Disabled controls cannot get mouse or keyboard events.
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the user can modify the control value using the mouse and keyboard.
Gets a value that indicates whether the control is currently handling a touch event.
Gets a value that indicates whether the control is currently being updated.
Gets or sets a formatter function to customize dates in the calendar.
The formatter function can add any content to any date. It allows complete customization of the appearance and behavior of the calendar.
If specified, the function takes two parameters:
For example, the code below shows weekends with a yellow background:
calendar.itemFormatter = function(date, element) { var day = date.getDay(); = day == 0 || day == 6 ? 'yellow' : ''; }
Gets or sets a validator function to determine whether dates are valid for selection.
If specified, the validator function should take one parameter representing the date to be tested, and should return false if the date is invalid and should not be selectable.
For example, the code below shows weekends in a disabled state and prevents users from selecting those dates:
calendar.itemValidator = function(date) { var weekday = date.getDay(); return weekday != 0 && weekday != 6; }
Gets or sets the latest date that the user can select in the calendar.
For details about using the min and max properties, please see the Using the min and max properties topic.
Gets or sets the earliest date that the user can select in the calendar.
For details about using the min and max properties, please see the Using the min and max properties topic.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the calendar displays a month or a year.
Gets a value indicating whether the control is hosted in an element with right-to-left layout.
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether users can select days, months, or no values at all.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control displays the header area with the current month and navigation buttons.
addEventListener(target: EventTarget, type: string, fn: any, capture?: boolean): void
Adds an event listener to an element owned by this Control.
The control keeps a list of attached listeners and their handlers, making it easier to remove them when the control is disposed (see the dispose and removeEventListener method).
Failing to remove event listeners may cause memory leaks.
Target element for the event.
String that specifies the event.
Function to execute when the event occurs.
Whether the listener is capturing.
applyTemplate(classNames: string, template: string, parts: Object, namePart?: string): HTMLElement
Applies the template to a new instance of a control, and returns the root element.
This method should be called by constructors of templated controls. It is responsible for binding the template parts to the corresponding control members.
For example, the code below applies a template to an instance of an InputNumber control. The template must contain elements with the 'wj-part' attribute set to 'input', 'btn-inc', and 'btn-dec'. The control members '_tbx', '_btnUp', and '_btnDn' will be assigned references to these elements.
this.applyTemplate('wj-control wj-inputnumber', template, { _tbx: 'input', _btnUp: 'btn-inc', _btnDn: 'btn-dec' }, 'input');
Names of classes to add to the control's host element.
An HTML string that defines the control template.
A dictionary of part variables and their names.
Name of the part to be named after the host element. This determines how the control submits data when used in forms.
beginUpdate(): void
Suspends notifications until the next call to endUpdate.
deferUpdate(fn: Function): void
Executes a function within a beginUpdate/endUpdate block.
The control will not be updated until the function has been executed. This method ensures endUpdate is called even if the function throws an exception.
Function to be executed.
dispose(): void
Disposes of the control by removing its association with the host element.
The dispose method automatically removes any event listeners added with the addEventListener method.
Calling the dispose method is important in applications that create and remove controls dynamically. Failing to dispose of the controls may cause memory leaks.
disposeAll(e?: HTMLElement): void
Disposes of all Wijmo controls contained in an HTML element.
Container element.
endUpdate(): void
Resumes notifications suspended by calls to beginUpdate.
getControl(element: any): Control
Gets the control that is hosted in a given DOM element.
The DOM element that is hosting the control, or a selector for the host element (e.g. '#theCtrl').
getTemplate(): string
Gets the HTML template used to create instances of the control.
This method traverses up the class hierarchy to find the nearest ancestor that specifies a control template. For example, if you specify a prototype for the ComboBox control, it will override the template defined by the DropDown base class.
initialize(options: any): void
Initializes the control by copying the properties from a given object.
This method allows you to initialize controls using plain data objects instead of setting the value of each property in code.
For example:
grid.initialize({ itemsSource: myList, autoGenerateColumns: false, columns: [ { binding: 'id', header: 'Code', width: 130 }, { binding: 'name', header: 'Name', width: 60 } ] }); // is equivalent to grid.itemsSource = myList; grid.autoGenerateColumns = false; // etc.
The initialization data is type-checked as it is applied. If the initialization object contains unknown property names or invalid data types, this method will throw.
Object that contains the initialization data.
invalidate(fullUpdate?: boolean): void
Invalidates the control causing an asynchronous refresh.
Whether to update the control layout as well as the content.
invalidateAll(e?: HTMLElement): void
Invalidates all Wijmo controls contained in an HTML element.
Use this method when your application has dynamic panels that change the control's visibility or dimensions. For example, splitters, accordions, and tab controls usually change the visibility of its content elements. In this case, failing to notify the controls contained in the element may cause them to stop working properly.
If this happens, you must handle the appropriate event in the dynamic container and call the invalidateAll method so the contained Wijmo controls will update their layout information properly.
Container element. If set to null, all Wijmo controls on the page will be invalidated.
onDisplayMonthChanged(e?: EventArgs): void
Raises the displayMonthChanged event.
onFormatItem(e: FormatItemEventArgs): void
Raises the formatItem event.
FormatItemEventArgs that contains the event data.
onGotFocus(e?: EventArgs): void
Raises the gotFocus event.
onLostFocus(e?: EventArgs): void
Raises the lostFocus event.
onValueChanged(e?: EventArgs): void
Raises the valueChanged event.
refresh(fullUpdate?: boolean): void
Refreshes the control.
Indicates whether to update the control layout as well as the content.
refreshAll(e?: HTMLElement): void
Refreshes all Wijmo controls contained in an HTML element.
This method is similar to invalidateAll, except the controls are updated immediately rather than after an interval.
Container element. If set to null, all Wijmo controls on the page will be invalidated.
removeEventListener(target?: EventTarget, type?: string, fn?: any, capture?: boolean): number
Removes one or more event listeners attached to elements owned by this Control.
Target element for the event. If null, removes listeners attached to all targets.
String that specifies the event. If null, removes listeners attached to all events.
Handler to remove. If null, removes all handlers.
Whether the listener is capturing. If null, removes capturing and non-capturing listeners.
Occurs when an element representing a day in the calendar has been created.
This event can be used to format calendar items for display. It is similar in purpose to the itemFormatter property, but has the advantage of allowing multiple independent handlers.
For example, the code below uses the formatItem event to disable weekends so they appear dimmed in the calendar:
// disable Sundays and Saturdays calendar.formatItem.addHandler(function (s, e) { var day =; if (day == 0 || day == 6) { wijmo.addClass(e.item, 'wj-state-disabled'); } });
The Calendar control displays a one-month calendar and allows users to select a date.
You may use the min and max properties to restrict the range of dates that the user can select.
For details about using the min and max properties, please see the Using the min and max properties topic.
Use the value property to get or set the currently selected date.
Use the selectionMode property to determine whether users should be allowed to select days, months, or no values at all.
The example below shows a Date value with date and time information using an InputDate and an InputTime control. Notice how both controls are bound to the same controller variable, and each edits the appropriate information (either date or time). The example also shows a Calendar control that allows users to select the date with a single click.