The Style type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property BackgroundColor
Gets or sets the background color.

Default: Transparent.

Public property BackgroundGradientEndColor
Gets or sets the end color for the background gradient.
Public property BackgroundGradientType
Gets or sets the background gradient type.

Default: Default.

Public property BackgroundHatchType
Gets or sets the hatch type. If this property is set to a value other than None, the BackgroundGradientType property is ignored.
Public property BackgroundImage
Gets the background image.
Public property Border
Gets the Border object specifying default border properties.
Public property BottomBorder
Gets the Border object specifying bottom border properties.
Public property Calendar
Gets or sets the calendar used for formatting dates. Must be compatible with the .NET Framework Language setting.
Public property Color
Gets or sets the foreground color.

Default: Black.

Public property Direction
Gets or sets a value indicating whether text is written left-to-right or right-to-left. Does not affect the text alignment unless General alignment is used.
Public property FontFamily
Gets or sets the font family.
Public property FontSize
Gets or sets the font size.
Public property FontStyle
Gets or sets the font style.
Public property FontWeight
Gets or sets the thickness of the font.
Public property Format
Gets or sets the format string used to format value of objects like TextBox etc. Format represents a .NET Framework formatting string.
Public property Language
Gets or sets the primary language of the text.

Default is null in which case the Language property of the C1RdlReport will be used.

Public property LeftBorder
Gets the Border object specifying left border properties.
Public property LineHeight
Gets or sets the height of a line of text.

Default: null, renderer determines line height based on font size.

Min: 1 pt. Max: 1000 pt.
Public property NumeralLanguage
Gets or sets the digit format to use as described by its primary language. Any language is valid.

Default is null in which case the Language property will be used.

Public property NumeralVariant
Gets or sets the variant of the digit format to use. The valid values are from 1 (default) to 7. See remarks for details.
Public property Owner
Gets the owner of the current style.
Public property PaddingBottom
Gets or sets the padding between the bottom edge of the object and its contents.

Default: 0 pt. Max: 1000 pt.

Public property PaddingLeft
Gets or sets the padding between the left edge of the object and its contents.

Default: 0 pt. Max: 1000 pt.

Public property PaddingRight
Gets or sets the padding between the right edge of the object and its contents.

Default: 0 pt. Max: 1000 pt.

Public property PaddingTop
Gets or sets the padding between the top edge of the object and its contents.

Default: 0 pt. Max: 1000 pt.

Public property RightBorder
Gets the Border object specifying right border properties.
Public property ShadowColor
Gets or sets the color of the shadow for the item.

Default: #0000007F.

Public property ShadowOffset
Gets or sets the size of the shadow for the item.

Default: 0.

Public property TextAlign
Gets or sets the horizontal text alignment.
Public property TextDecoration
Gets or sets the special text formatting.
Public property TextEffect
Gets or sets the effect to apply to the text.
Public property TopBorder
Gets the Border object specifying top border properties.
Public property VerticalAlign
Gets or sets the vertical text alignment.
Public property WritingMode
Gets or sets a value indicating whether text is written horizontally or vertically.

See Also