The Appointment type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Appointment()()()()
Initializes a new instance of the Appointment class.
Public method Appointment(Guid)
Initializes a new instance of the Appointment class with the specified key.
Public method Appointment(Int32)
Initializes a new instance of the Appointment class with the specified key.
Public method Appointment(DateTime, DateTime)
Initializes a new instance of the Appointment class with the specified parameters.
Public method Appointment(DateTime, TimeSpan)
Initializes a new instance of the Appointment class with the specified parameters.
Public method Appointment(DateTime, DateTime, String)
Initializes a new instance of the Appointment class with the specified parameters.
Public method Appointment(DateTime, TimeSpan, String)
Initializes a new instance of the Appointment class with the specified parameters.


  Name Description
Public method BeginEdit
Prevents the Appointment object from being updated until the EndEdit(Boolean) method is called.
(Overrides BasePersistableObject..::..BeginEdit()()()().)
Protected method BeginEditInternal (Inherited from BasePersistableObject.)
Public method CancelEdit
Discards changes since the last BeginEdit()()()() call.
(Overrides BasePersistableObject..::..CancelEdit()()()().)
Public method ClearRecurrencePattern
Removes the recurrence settings and restores the NotRecurring state for an appointment.
Public method Copy
Creates the copy of the Appointment object.
Public method CopyFrom
Copies properties from the specified Appointment object to this one.
Public method Delete
Deletes an appointment and removes it from the owning AppointmentCollection collection.
Public method EndEdit()()()()
Finishes edit mode started by the BeginEdit()()()() method and updates a corresponding data source item.
(Inherited from BasePersistableObject.)
Protected method EndEdit(Boolean)
Unlocks the Appointment object after a call to the BeginEdit()()()() method and causes an immediate update.
(Overrides BasePersistableObject..::..EndEdit(Boolean).)
Public method Equals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method FromXml(XmlReader)
Reconstructs appointment from an XmlReader.
(Overrides BasePersistableObject..::..FromXml(XmlReader).)
Public method FromXml(Stream)
Loads an object from the specified Stream.
(Inherited from BasePersistableObject.)
Public method GetAppointmentProperties
Returns XML encoding of appointment properties.
Public method GetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetRecurrencePattern
Returns the RecurrencePattern object that represents the recurrence attributes of an appointment. If there is no existing recurrence pattern, a new empty RecurrencePattern object is returned.
Public method GetTimeTillEvent
Returns a time term before the appointment start; a negative value means that appointment is expired.
Public method GetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method IsGroupMember
Returns True if the current Appointment object is a member of a group which is specified by the groupOwner and groupBy parameters; False otherwise.
Protected method MemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected method OnPropertyChanged
Overrides default behavior.
(Overrides BasePersistableObject..::..OnPropertyChanged(String).)
Public method SetAppointmentProperties
Reconstructs appointment properties from the specified string.
Public method ToString
Returns a String that represents the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method ToXml(XmlWriter)
Creates an XML encoding of the appointment.
(Overrides BasePersistableObject..::..ToXml(XmlWriter).)
Public method ToXml(Stream)
Saves an object to the specified Stream.
(Inherited from BasePersistableObject.)


  Name Description
Public property Action
Gets an Action object for the Appointment object. Once this property is first requested, a new Action object is created and assigned to the Action property.
Public property AllDayEvent
Gets or sets the Boolean value indicating if the current appointment is an All-day appointment.
Public property AutoResolvedWinner
Gets the Boolean value determining if the item is a winner of an automatic conflict resolution.
Public property Body
Gets or sets the String value representing the body of the Appointment object.
Public property BusyStatus
Gets or sets the Status object indicating the busy status of the user for the appointment.
Public property Categories
Gets the CategoryList object which holds the set of categories assigned to the appointment. Categories may be associated with an appointment to effectively group appointments. An appointment may be associated with multiple categories.
Public property Conflicts
Gets the AppointmentList object representing the list of Appointment objects which are in conflict with this particular appointment.
Public property CustomData
Gets or sets custom text associated with this object.
Public property Duration
Gets or sets the TimeSpan value indicating the duration of the appointment.
Public property End
Gets or sets the DateTime value determining the end date and time of the appointment.
Public property Importance
Gets or sets the ImportanceEnum value indicating the relative importance level for the appointment. Default value is Normal.
Public property IsEdit
Indicates whether the object is in edit mode, which is started using the BeginEdit()()()() method.
(Inherited from BasePersistableObject.)
Public property IsOneDay
Gets a Boolean value indicating either it is a one day appointment or shares some days.
Public property IsRecurring
Gets the Boolean value indicating if the appointment is recurring.
Public property Key
Gets an array of objects representing the key of the BasePersistableObject.
(Inherited from BasePersistableObject.)
Public property Label
Gets or sets the Label object associated with this appointment.
Public property Links
Gets the ContactList object which holds the set of Contact objects for this appointment. An appointment may be associated with multiple contacts.
Public property Location
Gets or sets the String value specifying where the appointment is going to be.
Public property Owner
Gets or sets the Contact object which owns current Appointment object.
Public property ParentCollection
Gets the reference to the parent AppointmentCollection object.
Public property ParentRecurrence
Gets the Appointment object that defines the recurrence criteria for this Appointment object. If this appointment is a not member of a recurrence, or is itself a root appointment, null is returned.
Public property Private
Gets or sets the Boolean value determining whether the calendar owner intends to keep the Appointment object private.
Public property RecurrenceState
Gets the RecurrenceStateEnum value indicating the recurrence state of the appointment.
Public property Reminder
Gets the Reminder object which is associated with the appointment. To associate an appointment with the reminder, set its ReminderSet property to true. Once this property is set to true, a new Reminder object is created and assigned to the Reminder property.
Public property ReminderOverrideDefault
Gets or sets the Boolean value indicating if the associated Reminder object has non-default settings. True if the reminder overrides the default reminder behavior for the appointment. You must set the ReminderOverrideDefault property to validate the ReminderPlaySound and the ReminderSoundFile properties.
Public property ReminderPlaySound
Gets or sets the Boolean value indicating if the reminder should play a sound when it occurs for this appointment or task. The ReminderPlaySound property must be set in order to validate the ReminderSoundFile property. This property is only valid if the ReminderOverrideDefault property is set to true.
Public property ReminderSet
Gets or sets the Boolean value indicating whether a reminder is associated with the appointment. Once this property is set to true, a new Reminder object is created and assigned to the Reminder property.
Public property ReminderSoundFile
Gets or sets the String value indicating the path and file name of the sound file to play when the reminder occurs for the appointment. This property is only valid if the ReminderOverrideDefault and ReminderPlaySound properties are set to true.
Public property ReminderTimeBeforeStart
Gets or sets the TimeSpan value indicating the interval of time the reminder should occur prior to the start of the appointment.
Public property Resources
Gets the ResourceList object which holds the set of Resource objects for this appointment. An appointment may be associated with multiple resources.
Public property Saved
Gets the Boolean value indicating if the appointment has not been modified since the last save.
Public property Sensitivity
Gets or sets the SensitivityEnum value indicating the sensitivity level of the appointment.
Public property Start
Gets or sets the DateTime value determining the start date and time of the appointment.
Public property Subject
Gets or sets the String value representing the subject of the Appointment object.
Public property Tag
Gets or sets custom information associated with this object.

See Also